Someday my prince will come.
No. That line did not come from the movie but it's still relevant to the theme of this movie --- well somehow.
Well in a way it's another fairytale what most of us are familiar with especially if you're a girl of course. Some quotations were even based from the story of the frog prince like sometimes you got to kiss a lot of frog before you meet your prince or that sometimes no matter how many times you'd kiss a lot of frogs you'd never find your prince cause your prince turned out to be an ogre. Nah, I just made them out but the point here is we all know the story --- a girl kissed a frog and the frog turned out to be a handsome young prince and they live happily-ever-after-the-end.
Yes, we all know that part of the story but personally I don't even know why the prince was cursed in to a frog. I just assumed it's because of arrogance just like Beast from Beauty and the Beast. Well one thing good about this fairytale is it took the risk of deviating a little from the usual. Well, there's the obvious of course, our princess this time is black instead of the conventional white-barbie-like-princess. Let's say in a way our princess this time is not at all waiting fro a prince charming to save her much more waiting to kiss a frog. That is definitely far from her dreams. Our princess here only thinks of work in order to save and get her dream restaurant that she and her father had dreamt. so that should go out to all modenrn-career-oriented-working-single-women. And besides our prince here is literally broke. So castles and white horses are definitely out of the picture.
I especially like the story of the firefly who fell in love with the star. It's sad pathetic but hopeful at the same time. I don't know but in real life that actually could be true. ^_^
The Princess and The Frog. You don't need to be a little girl again to appreciate and love the story.
Rating: ★★★★☆
Cinderella: If a fish fell in love with a bird, where would they live?
Leonardo da Vinci : Then I will have to build you wings!
A line in the movie Ever After starring Drew Barrymore. Another interesting take on a classic fairytale. In this movie, Cinderella was the hero for a change.
i love that movie blitz. though nothing beats beauty and the beast, this movie just made me love falling in love.
my favorite line is very unromantic. it was by anjelica huston, the evil step mom: "after all that i did, after all that i've done, nothing...nothing is ever enough." (much to that effect).
i don't mind kissing frogs before i meet the true prince. XD
i was half expecting someone to correct me, "Heroine, not hero- you male chauvinist!" im glad we didnt have to be PC on this blog. :-)
i am not a fan of chick flicks, although i admit i watched a lot of them for a girl's sake. like those movies that paired Sam Milby and this girl I have a crush on. She's not too pretty, strong willed, witty and very Pinay. I cant even remember her name. Maybe its the personality i have a crush on, not the girl.
my fave lovestory movies would be the abyss and the matrix. both involved people being "dead" and then revived because the other person loved him/her so much. not because i believe love conquers all, including death. but rather because i believe that love should be reason enough to desire to continue living.
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