Hello World.
Well, here we are again.
A brand new look. A brand new profile.
Same old me.
I should start by introducing myself. I'm a 23 years old, pure blooded Filipino. An engineering graduate major in Electronics and Communications. I'm currently a Tech-Support Engineer --- a better description of a call-center agent --- and I often times write articles only during my free time (if there are no calls.^_^)
My knack for writing started when I had decided to write a daily journal. It was for selfish reasons actually. =) After that, I've tried blogging which is also mostly about me. That gives you an idea that I could be that narcissistic. ^_^ I never considered writing as a profession. But I love reading...I read a lot. And right now, I just want to try it the other way: let other people read what I have written.
It's never a bad thing to try something new.=)
On a more personal note:
I’m at once an academic achiever and a chronic procrastinator. The achiever part of me seems to only come out around scheduling time when I load myself down with a million crazy classes, tons of projects and hell of exams. Then that part retreats and leaves the procrastinator to sink or swim. Well, that was during my school days. I sank during my college years. Even sank deeper during our board exam year. I tried to swim back last year. And now that I’m finally done with those major suffering years, I intend to fly.
In the past I always introduce myself in the context of unrequited love. That is something else you should know. They say that the only sour note in the beautiful symphony of love is humanity. But let me rephrase that metaphor. If love is a symphony, then humanity is often the dissonance. The notes that clash and sound bad on purpose to add to the complexity and over all beauty of the piece.
Truth is, the real sour note in love’s chorus is me. While other people tend to clash and sometimes harmonize, I always find my self five octaves off key.
But there are some things I know I am in-tuned with. I may not be a good person and I don’t always do good things, but I love my God. I love my family. I love my friends. That’s a fact as hard as it may seem to be believed.
I’m starting another chronicle of my life. My life that is often boring and often dramatic and more often than not, absolutely insane. And you’ll get to witness and live them with me.
If you dare.
If you are willing.