They say that the yardstick of friendship is not the amount of time you had been together nor how much time you had spent with them, it's how you had spent those days with them. That just like a tree which is not measured on how tall it could be, but instead based on how deep the roots had grown. But if you have that kind of friendship whose roots had grown deeper but had still lasted through the years --- tested through time --- what more could you ask for?
Personally, I never asked for it. Ironically, I was the type of person who had always had my guard on all the time --- Trust was a hard thing to give.
But maybe friendship is just like falling in love. You finally get to meet and get to know that particular person who caught your eyes. Sometimes you're too scared to plunge into it. But then that's why they call love as a leap of faith. Cause just like a force of nature that's unpredictable and unstoppable --- you still fall for it anyway.
Friendship too is a leap of faith. At least for me that's the case.
You can get to have a hundred of acquaintances or even a thousand of them. Totally possible. ---That's more like crushes or flings if we'd talk in the perspective of love. (Maybe that's the major difference between platonic and erotic love. You won't be charged of polygamy for having more than one friend) LOL.--- But there are only a chosen few who can gain your trust and whom you can trust in return.
Maybe in a way for single people like me, we could consider our friends as our love life --- So yeah, I fell in love with a couple of girls. =P I was, I am and will never mind falling in love with them all over again. And they are crazy enough to reciprocate it. And today we're celebrating our 7th year of friendship and love.
I may not be that lucky in terms of love but I'm blessed with a friendship some people would die for. Maybe I'm exaggerating, maybe I'm not. But if I'd be a maiden for life, (hopefully not. =P), I can still say that I have a set of friends I can grow old with.
To my JMVECK gang, I love you guys and though we're all living separate lives now, I know we'll be friends through infinity and beyond! (kung si Buzz Lightyear pa.) XD
I really miss you guys. Come and visit me here some time.^_^
Happy 7th!
Personally, I never asked for it. Ironically, I was the type of person who had always had my guard on all the time --- Trust was a hard thing to give.
But maybe friendship is just like falling in love. You finally get to meet and get to know that particular person who caught your eyes. Sometimes you're too scared to plunge into it. But then that's why they call love as a leap of faith. Cause just like a force of nature that's unpredictable and unstoppable --- you still fall for it anyway.
Friendship too is a leap of faith. At least for me that's the case.
You can get to have a hundred of acquaintances or even a thousand of them. Totally possible. ---That's more like crushes or flings if we'd talk in the perspective of love. (Maybe that's the major difference between platonic and erotic love. You won't be charged of polygamy for having more than one friend) LOL.--- But there are only a chosen few who can gain your trust and whom you can trust in return.
Maybe in a way for single people like me, we could consider our friends as our love life --- So yeah, I fell in love with a couple of girls. =P I was, I am and will never mind falling in love with them all over again. And they are crazy enough to reciprocate it. And today we're celebrating our 7th year of friendship and love.
I may not be that lucky in terms of love but I'm blessed with a friendship some people would die for. Maybe I'm exaggerating, maybe I'm not. But if I'd be a maiden for life, (hopefully not. =P), I can still say that I have a set of friends I can grow old with.
To my JMVECK gang, I love you guys and though we're all living separate lives now, I know we'll be friends through infinity and beyond! (kung si Buzz Lightyear pa.) XD
I really miss you guys. Come and visit me here some time.^_^
Happy 7th!

noong kami ay bata pa =P
Divine Sisterhood of JMVECK

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