note: click on the pictures for bigger movie posters.
1. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I'm very much looking forward for Dumbledore's death. I mean, I'm wondering if the movie will move me the way the book did when I read about Albus Dumbledore's death. T_T And of course I miss Daniel Radcliffe as well. I want to cast some spell and see flying broomsticks and yes, Quidditch!
Expeliarmus! ^_^
2. The Twilight Saga: New Moon

I'm now actually starting to like the cast of the Twilight Saga movies. Yep, that would include Robert Pattinson (although I only like him because he is Edward Cullen). I love the whole collection of the series but most especially this book because this is a book about heart-aches. haha. Most of my favorite lines are from this sequel. And Taylor who's playing Jacob is looking really hot! lol. And not to mention that Dakota Fanning is included in the cast as well. Cool!
3. The Proposal

Showing on: 19 June 2009
This will be the reason why I will even want to be a June bride. lol. The first time I've seen the trailer, I fell in love with the movie right away. For sure there will be a lot of ROFLOF but at the same time, romantic scenes. Maybe I could get some tips from this movie. I mean, I'd take the cue from Sandra Bullock that when all else fail, a marriage proposal to a man will definitely make all the pieces back together. XD
4. Paper Heart

"Your love glass is half-full".
I am so totally very much looking for this movie. The title was the one that caught my attention. And when I watched the trailer I fell in love with the movie right away. ^_^ This is a part documentary, part-scripted movie about a girl who does not believe in love. She made interviews across America and she even interviewed Jack Black. lol. This is a story of Charlyne Yi and her real life boyfriend Michael Sera, I was really surprised when I read that. I like Charlyne's facial expressions. haha. Can't wait to see this.^_^
5. G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra

Showing on: 7 August 2009
I remember back then my older brothers are always playing with their G. I. Joe toys. And back then I'd usually fight with them cause I want to play it too. lol. And right now, who would have taught that it'll be my Channing Tatum who will play the part of Duke? ♥♥♥
6. The Ugly Truth

Showing on: 24 July 2009
Gerald Butler. Who will not swoon over this man? From 300 to P.S. I love you, who would have taught that he was from the law firm before he started acting?♥
7. Echelon Conspiracy

Showing on: 12 March 2009
Alright, I know we are already in the month of June and why am I still looking forward for this movie? It is still set to be released in the country for the next month I guess. And the sole reason why I want to watch this movie is because Shane West is on it. I miss him in the big screen already. He's my original hubby. ^_^ ♥♥♥
8. The Time Traveler's Wife
Showing on: 14 August 2009
I think this movie is already long over-due but I am still waiting for it. I love the book and I'm also wondering if Eric Bana will bare it all. XD
9. Public Enemies

Showing on: 1 July 2009
Another role-playing for Mr. Johnny Depp. And this time, he'd more or less the antagonist. From being a pirate to a barber murderer, he is now the coolest American Gangster.
10. Where the Wild Things Are.

Showing on: 16 October 2009
I haven't read the book yet but the last time I saw the trailer, I just love the kid in the movie. And somehow, it reminded me of my childhood days.^_^
11. Astro Boy

Showing on: 23 October 2009
The first ever anime that was created! Definitely, Astro Boy is timeless. And it reminds me of someone too. That alone would spark my interest to this movie. And I love Freddie Highmore!^_^
12. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Showing on: 24 June 2009
Decepticons and Autobots. The first Transformer movie is so cool! Especially the effects! And I'm pretty sure this second installment is even better. I heard their budget is twice than what they have before. Can't wait to see Bumblebee again.^_^
13. The Princess and the Frog

Showing on: 11 December 2009
Who doesn't know this timeless love story? But I definitely want to watch it again. Maybe, get some tips on how to look for the right kind of frog.XD
14. Sherlock Holmes

Showing on: 25 December 2009
I was actually a bit sceptical when I learned that it'll be Robert Downey who will portray Sherlock. But after I watched the trailer, I was so impressed! He's a very funny guy as well. And not to mention, Jude Law is also in this movie.^_^
15. Lovely Bones

Showing on: 11 December 2009
Not really sure if that's the real poster of the movie. Ryan Gosling on that pic reminded me of the Notebook. lol. But I like this book. And I also like Saoirse Ronan. She's young but she's really a good actress. But wait, isn't it that the one who'd be playing Jack Salmon is Mark Wahlberg? I'm confuse. Well, better wait for the movie then.^_^
I sure hope I'd get to watch them all!^_^
sheeeeeeet! time traveler's with official play date?!? yeeeepeee! best news i get at 03:27 in the morning! yes! can't wait.
i saw paper heart trailer too. cute. michael cera. cute. ^_^ i better save up. i have all-aloners again!
all-aloners? I thought you have a twin already? that would be threesome. lol. have point. XD
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