I'm positively one of those who had been greatly anticipating the sequel of the movie adaptation of Transformers. I've been one of those people who after watching the first Transformers movie, had been crazily hooked up to it. Bumblebee was an instant favorite. And hearing the voice of Optimus Prime was really nostalgic. In a way, after watching the second movie, Bumblebee is still likable and Optimus Prime is still as indispensable and the best leader for any robotic raise ever made. But the answer to the question of whether the sequel is better than the first movie is not a straight yes.
Action wise, definitely, I'd go for part 2. I love the fight scenes. It's really nice to watch some bloodless violence.lol. Well, obviously because it's the robots who are fighting so no blood included. If we'd talk about fight scenes and visual effects, definitely it's a hats off for this movie. It lived up to any movie-goers expectations if we'd talk about those two.
But for the story-line itself, I think that's where I am not that impress with. Although you could get the general story that Megatron came to life and of course seeks revenge and that an Ancestral Decepticon had a plot of getting the energy from the Earth-sun and the Autobots of course worked hand in hand with the human race to stop that or in short, Transformers 2 is using the all-time tested movie formula "the battle to save the earth"-formula. Possibly, the thing that did not work for this movie is the added number of new autobots and decepticons. Although if you had been watching the old cartoons, it's true that there's a lot of transformers but somehow I wish there was a far better way of distinguishing them like the way it goes in part 1. There were instances that you'd find it confusing which of those robots is a Decepticon or an Autobot. Or I could possibly also complain about the too much slow motion (especially if Megan is running) or I could also complain about the letting Megatron live and leave at the end of the movie which would obviously make it easier for the 3rd installment of the movie which I think is 100% possible.
Hmmm...Most likely, the critical side of me will take note of all those things. That this second film featured more characters and a longer movie running time and you'd actually think that sometimes more is not good enough. But then again, the first thing that I have to keep in mind is I am a movie-goer. And I watch a movie to be entertained. So was I entertained? Yes I was. I'd still say the movie is worth watching. I still love Bumblebee and I actually felt sad when something happened to Optimus Prime. (Hope I'm not giving out some spoilers.) Although the negative sides of the movie which I've mentioned above are the reasons why I cannot give this movie a perfect score, the robots and Shia's acting are enough to keep me entertained.
My verdict?
Rating: ★★★☆☆
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