This part of my life, this part right here? This part is called "growing up."
There seems to be a negative connotation if I'd actually say I am getting old. Although I am technically a year older 2 days ago, there's no point in dwelling with that kind of thinking. I think 22 is a good age. It's not too young and not too old either. Let's just say that at this age I've acquired enough experience to help me get through life for maybe another 22 years and beyond. I've been independent from my parents for over a year now and I had my share of good and bad times. And although I know there's still a lot of things that I still have to learn, in a way, I had already gained enough experience that any 22-year old guy or girl is ought to have. I've finished school. Passed and failed some after-school-real life examinations. Got wasted from too much drinking. Earned a living. If there's something I'm probably wasn't lucky to experience (yet) that would be having a boy-friend. Although that inexperience doesn't mean that I've never been in love. I had my share of a broken-heart too.
I've recently watched the movie 17 Again. There's this "spirit-guide" who thinks that there are people who seem to like living in the past. Those who are always thinking of the "what might have been". I'm actually one of those people. There are things I've regretted to do, decisions I hope I did not make, results I've been totally remorseful of. Maybe if that "spirit-guide" is true, I would probably volunteer myself to be 17 again. 17 was the age I had to chosen the course I have to enter. It's also the start of my first love, founding of a great friendship, forced maturity. I do want to relive those days again.
But then maybe the spirit-guide won't let me go back. After all, unlike the protagonist, I'm not blaming anyone for all the failures I had had. And that if I am just simply to relive those days, then what's the point of sending me back through time if I am not going to alter anything? The spirit-guide would most likely won't waste his power on me.
I remembered that book The Little Prince when the narrator was ranting about grown-ups. That we grown-ups never understand anything by ourselves, and it is tiresome for children to have to explain things to us always and forever. lol. That's so true. We grown-ups tend to really complicate things. Like we want to do and not to do something at the same time. Like we want to hold on and let go at the same time. Or like how we want to grow up but stay young at the same time. Now how is that possible? It's really crazy.
Well, as for me, I guess I'd better stick around with 22 for another year. And maybe, I'd get it from the children, just keep things simple.
Rating: ★★★☆☆
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