There's probably nothing much I can say/write that you probably haven't read/heard about this movie. After all, a movie this rare is hard to miss. Proof of that, Inception is still an on going trending topic in twitter ever since it's first showing. People around the globe just can't help but join the bandwagon of giving their praise about the movie (though there are of course those who are not that as impress) but the majority is saying the same thing (including me) --- Inception is a great film.
Well personally, casting Joseph Gordon Levitt in the film is more than enough reason for me to watch. LOL. But I guess what works for this movie is the combination of it's stunning visual effects, comprehensive story-line and amazing cast ensemble. See, I am oozing with adjectives. haha. But again, as a movie-goer, it gets to challenge you to think, to try to understand the complexity of its plot, to comprehend its depth. It's nice to get away from the usual chick-flick/rom-com-kind of movies sometimes.
Psychology 101: Lucid Dreams, dreaming with-in-a-dream. I remember this as one of our topics back in college in our Psyche class about you waking up only to find out that you are still dreaming. Remembered a line from the movie: "Dreams feel real while we're in them. It's only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange." I guess it's even stranger if you'd find your self in such state. That you keep on dreaming and waking up inside a dream. Pretty scary in a way. Like some unending process, until you come to a certain point of you not knowing what's real and what's not.
Inception though is more than dreaming. The thought of planting an idea to somebody---to make him believe that this is the exact truth is somehow synonymous to brain washing. In inception though, hypnotism is not the key. Plain and simple, you enter that person's mind while he/she is sleeping then rearrange everything from there. True, an idea indeed can transform the world and rewrite all the rules --- you can even bend the rules of physics!
Well, this is not like the first time a movie tried to mess with our mind. Or a movie tried to make us believe that our mind is definitely a powerful thing. But Christopher Nolan gives us another taste on our movie-platter. At least, we get to do away with the usual book-turned/comics-turned-in to movies. A big risk that definitely paid off.
So Dream big. cause if you don't dream big then what's the use of dreaming?
haha. --- So yeah, just go ahead, watch it. It'll be another movie experience.
Rating: ★★★★★
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