You know what's the most difficult thing? It's doing nothing. And right now that I'm back in the night shift, I ought to have lesser breaks than I usually have. But good thing tonight, looks like all my guests got connected right away.XD And oh well, I was left with nothing else to do but to browse the internet as usual. And I happen to read again some crazy/funny poll questions that me and my crazy friends had made back in college in our sorority website. And I'm laughing out loud here in my cube (that had raised some eyebrows from my co-workers.) hehehe. Sorry, but I'm dealing with some private joke here. ROFLOL.

Who wanted me to wear Tux? lol. This is crazy. You should reread the other polls guys. Makes you nostalgic but a great reminder for all your crushes out there. I'm almost tempted to post it here. Now I'm hyperventilating.XD
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