You're my # 1.

I found my self watching A.S.A.P. '09 today. One of the greatest changes in my life when I started living alone was to end my couch potato habit. When I was still in school, I always made sure that I won't miss my favorite TV shows. And I made sure that I get to watch A.S.A.P. every Sunday. From 12PM to 3PM, the television is all mine. Not that, my siblings would complain about it. I could easily bully them if I want to.XD hahaha. But I'd like to think that I've never been the evil sister. And anyway, they too like watching it. All of us are more or less that musically inclined.^_^

It's the second Sunday of May so the whole world is celebrating Mother's Day. A.S.A.P. of course had numbers paying tribute to all Mothers. Singing/Dancing for them. Good thing for those artists, they get to greet their mom on TV. As for me, thanks to technology and I found a way to greet and thanked my Mom as well.

My mom...I've always thought we are different. She's more of the outgoing-type, out-spoken, extra-duper-friendly person. lol. There are a lot of things I wish I've inherited from her especially her charisma. Politicians back home would ask for her service to had her campaign for them and to encourage people to join their party. And I failed to inherit her charms towards men. I remembered one time when grandmother told me a story about her that she was like the most-sought-after girl in her school before and of course I was just thinking that my grandma was just exagerrating because after all, that's her daughter. lol. But I found an old pic of my mom and I must say, "witiwiw!" lol. If I'd get back home I'll look for that pic and post it here.XD

Well, my mom would unlikely read this. She's not one of those who adheres to new technology that much. She's pretty contended with just a Television and a DVD Player. And she's very much predictable when it comes to her movie preferences. It's either Jackie Chan or a Korean Drama Series. But since today is Mother's Day, I guess it's just right and fitting for me to tell the whole wide web world that I love my mom. And although I doubt she had let me drink that milk Sharon Cuneta is advertising, I have to agree with her.
Mom, You're my #1.


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