End of the world.
How many movies had tried portraying this apocalyptic topic?
There's the end of the world by flood (Day after tomorrow). Change of the Earth's core current (The Core). Invasion of Aliens (Independence Day). Earthquake (10.5). Tornadoes (Twister). And now an addition to that long list is this 2012 mayhem. End of the world due to the aligning of planets that happens only every 640,000 years. The aligning of the planets reminds me more of Hercules more than the end of the world.
I could say that definitely this is a disaster movie basing on it's main plot and how the entire movie was made. Although I have to give credit to its effects. The effects was really impressive. Somehow if I'm to think that if the end of the world will eventually happen (knock on wood) all those distractions are definitely possible or even worse than that. It showed how mother nature looks like if she's really piss off: collapsing building, tsunamis, earthquake, volcanic eruptions and not even Vatican City is immune to that.
Yes somehow it triggered some mind provoking reality like salvation has its price and faith alone can't save you. But there's something lacking from this movie. It lacks a good interesting back-story. Somehow I understand the plot of the story is pretty grand. I mean how will you end an end of the world story? But like for any other story such as that, you'll almost know that in the end mother nature will redeem her self and will bring back hope for mankind.
The movie is entertaining but not the kind I'd go watching again. I have to add this to the list of the big movies that had disappointed me so far: GI Joe, Transformers 2 and X-Men Wolverine Origins.
Recommendation? You can just wait for the DVD or for the movie to be shown on HBO. Or yeah, maybe wait for 2012 before watching it.
Rating: ★★☆☆☆
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