We had our account Christmas party last Friday and last Saturday, we had our company party at Marco Polo Hotel, Cebu City. Remember the cosplay party I've been mentioning before? Finally, we had it last Sat. And no, I was not a cosplayer that night. I only went there to eat. Haha. I know. Party Pooper.
But it was really fun. Me and an office mate decided that since we don't have an appropriate costume, we decided to simply look like an assassin. And the stereotype assassin always wears black. So while she decided to wear a black top and pants, I went for a black dress and a black mean looking shoes. What I mean by mean is some shoe with heels and that literally is mean for my feet. lol. I went for wedge though rather than cigarette heels. I don't think I'd get through the night if I had the latter kind of heels. But to be honest about it, I love it! I'm seriously considering switching from doll/ballet kind of shoes to sandals/step-in/ and even gladiator shoes! Ooopsss....sorry, we're suppose to talk about Christmas party here and not about shoes. =p
Anyway, going back, just like what I've said, the party was great. The food were mouth-watering. The host is good looking.XD And it's good to see some people who really made an effort putting on some costume. My favorite group? The group of guys who wore Akatsuki uniform from Naruto and they opened the party with such a great dance number! Good looking guys and great dancers. Just so my type. =p
I think I had a photo-op with all the cosplayers that night. And not to mention I also had a photo-op with him. ^_^ But then again, that will be another story.
To top it all, I won a personal refrigerator during the raffle draw. lol. I am now being tag as a raffle-queen. My friends are urging me to buy a lottery ticket and try my luck to the next level. haha. Crazy.
I'm thinking of selling that fridge. I don't think I need it here. So if you know any prospect buyer please tell me, I'll give discounts and I'll give you commission too. =D
Haaayyyyyy....What a night. Fun. Fun. Fun! And I'm still thinking of that photo-op^_^
But yes, Work for it with fun always indeed.=)

with Avatar - The last Air Bender
Akatsuki - Never thought they too can dance! weeeeee.
Shohoku with Coach Ansi. Rukawa! Rukawa! Rukawa!=p
photo credits for Abbie^_^
you lucky you. :-) how big is the ref? and how much are you selling it for?
I don't know how to describe the ref. hehe. probably half the size of the regular fridge. I have a buyer na. haha. ^_^
this is so amazing, kai nako sa picture hehehe i enjoyed reading the article...
lol. kinsa ka? Abbie, Victoria, Harris or one of the Akatsuki/Shohoku guys?hehe ^_^
Harris here... hehehe
weeeeeeeee....thanks for visiting.^_^
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