I was caught up in a little debate when an office-mate said that this film, Legion, is a great movie. I'd say I beg to disagree. I don't think this movie is great. Yeah, maybe it's not that bad but it's definitely far from great.
And as usual, like most movies I am not impress with, I have the movie storyline to blame.I don't know what to make out of this movie. The film-makers possibly were torn whether to make this film as an action/drama/scary/apocalyptic kind of film.
Action wise it was not that bad. I especially like the angel Gabriel Vs. angel Michael fight scenes. But the thing that made this film a total let down was it's apocalyptic/religious theme. If you go make a film that would disagree with someone else's faith you don't just create a theory with-out even a little proof why you even thought of that ideology. God just suddenly got tired? What a very lame premise.I am no expert of the bible but as far as I know that's not the main reason why we got this judgment day in Revelation.
A lot were not explained like why of all women it was Charlie who was chosen to bear the child who will save humanity. And I also don't understand how that child will save man-kind. And that if God got tired and he wants to exterminate humanity why choose possessing people instead of plagues maybe?
I thought the film was entitled Legion cause I'd get to see a whole bunch of angels. I never thought that the legionnaires are possessed people. Well, it's right on track. Legion means a great number. And this film has a great number of pointless basic assumptions, a lot of pretext, a handful of unfunny suppose to be humorous scenes and an awful ending.
Geez. Even God will get tired watching this film.
Rating: ★★☆☆☆
I didnt watch this film and I had no intention of doing. I am a little touchy when it comes to the subject of angels and demons. Literature treat them as mythical figures, when in fact, whether ur a Moslem or a Christian, ur faith requires you to believe in their existence the same way you believe in the existence of God. Somehow, the picture of an angel using automatic or machine guns to wage war doesn't appeal to me.
And God getting tired, or needing angels to wage his war? The idea is absurd. "By the word of God, the heaven's were made..." from the Psalms. God created the universe just by saying one word. "Be," and it is.
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