Who the heck is she? And yah. So what?! =p
Haha. Well, she's someone you'd definitely would want to know...
Or er--- maybe not.XD
Anyway, here are some random 24 things you ought to know about Valeen a.k.a Val a.k.a Chang a.k.a Friend a.k.a Pards Solancho.
24. The most obsessive compulsive person I ever met. A total Neat Freak.
23. Very moody. As in bad kind of moody. The don't mess with me kind of moody.
22. Has very sensitive sense of smell. so sensitive she can sneeze five times in a row.
21. One time she cut her hair really short as in boy-cut-kind-of-short, a McDonald crew called her Sir. Not just once but twice! =p
20. Looks a lot like Jolina Magdangal. Tell that to her and she'd say she's taller than her. Yah we got that but the resemblance still won't change.
19. Don't touch, hug, comfort her if she's crying/breaking down. Better hand her a cone of ice-cream instead. That'll do the trick.
18. Stingy. Kuripot. No further explanations.
17. Cry-baby. Iyakin. Basta iyakin talaga.
16. Slow. Like mahina ang pick-up especially with jokes. She'll realize too late that you're trying to crack a joke. So don't ever think your joke is corny or cheesy if she's not laughing at all.
15. Poor sense of direction. If you hate her, just bring her to a place she's not familiar with. No need for blindfolds. Just leave her alone. She'll get lost pretty easily.
14. Broken-hearted-secret-heart-breaker (daw?)
13. Drinking milo makes her poops easily. =p
12. I've only seen her drunk once and it was really funny.XD zip.
11. Her kind of men includes: Rain (Bi), Channing Tatum, David Cook, John Lloyd Cruz, Donald Flack and Daniel Radcliffe. No wonder she's still single until now. Oh. sshhhhhh....=p
Alright I'll try to be good starting now.
10. Back in school she's one of the smartest. A Dean's Lister and a certified licensed ECE.
9. Talented: can dance and can draw. just don't let her sing. though yeah she does sing but just stop her if possible.
8. Does have a funny side too. She's really good in imitating people especially our professors. And she just have to imitate Rose from Titanic and I'd ROFL.
7. Book/Dog Lover. That makes her humane. =p
6. Terrific Writer. In my life time so far, there are only 3 non-professional writer I look up to: NiƱa (classmate back in high school), Julius (classmate back in college) and her.
5. One of the prettiest (hmmm...she'd rather be called gorgeous) looking girls back in school. =p
4. So with all these qualities no wonder again why guys get intimidated and so till now she's still single. -p Oooppsss... I think I already said that.XD
3. And oh well, just like what they said, Birds with the same feather flock together so of course she's my dear friend. The V part of the JMVECK society.
2. She's very close to her family.
1. And she just turned 24 today.
So! In behalf of the moderator, followers and readers of this site (all together now)
May your heart truly find what you truly desire for your self, your family, your career and most especially for your heart.^_^
Happy Birthday again Pards. Mwah. love yah!
and loves green.^_^

Pards and Pards.
wow. it actually feels weird to have someone write about you, crazy to realize how true the facts are, and vindictive to spot some of your strangest pictures posted for public scrutiny (some pics are from the long-forgotten friendster account). XD
tats ko ba!
ill be 24 soon. as in November soon. hehe =))
yeah,all are true. facts kung facts ito.
love you both,
from C of JMVECK.
haha. your time will come. ^_^
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