Sometimes, whenever I'm in my "insightful" my moods, I would joke to myself that with the way things are with my life today, I could definitely be considered as a bachelorette. Well... A bachelorette minus the bachelorette's pad. lol. But yes it's true. Maybe, if my parents had not raised me morally upright, I could have found my self partying every night or drinking till I pass out or using drugs or getting my self pregnant. haha. But I guess we just have our own way of dealing with grief or our own way of out lining our daily itineraries to keep one's self sane with-out dwelling too much with the thought that you are alone in some bigger metropolitan city. That's why, these days, whenever I'd crave for something, I don't deprive myself. And good thing that so far, I haven't craved for those things I've mentioned above.
For today, I forced my self to finish the whole Chronicles of Narnia book which I had been neglecting for weeks now. That made me skip breakfast and lunch and yes I realized that I am hungry when I was 3 pages away from the ending. The only food available with in reach is a pack of an oatmeal crackers and yes you got it right, it did not help that much. I realized the last time I had real food was 8'oclock last night when we had our Birthday bash party in the office. And then I thought of pizza and ice cream. I was craving for it but still I somehow manage to push myself back to the world of Narnia. But like what I said, I don't deprive myself my cravings these days. So I had those. Pizza and ice cream indeed.

White Chicago Pizza
I think this is the cheesiest pizza I've ever had so far. It took me quite a while to finish it. The serving is too big for my stomach's consumption I guess. I'm trying to think of the ingredients. Some ham, pineapple, White cheese and some more cheese. lol. But it sure is tasty.

Coffee Ice Cream
I was thinking of having coffee instead of Ice Cream but I passed by the Ice-Cream stall first so I considered that as a sign. Anyway, since I was thinking of coffee, why not have a coffee flavored Ice cream. And I really had what I was asking for, Real Coffee. I mean, this ice cream has some bits of real coffee grains on it. Never thought I'd actually eat a coffee grain for real. lol. Weird but it sure too is tasty.
And of course that leaves me satisfied. ^_^

Wait, this is my first ever real pic here in my blog right? haha. Well, for those who knows me since I was in school would definitely think that nothing much had changed. Well, though life is a constant change, somethings still remains right?^_^
I guess I will leave this long and winding blog with what happened in the pizza parlor that I had dined in. I was sitting across a middle-aged woman who's also eating alone like me and though I don't mean to hover, I found her enjoying her food though she's alone in a suppose to be 4-people table. In a moment, it just occurred to me that it seemed like a very good sign. It hit me that I could like be this woman. With her age, she seemed not to mind to be alone or single. But is she single? I don't know. And then a little boy approached her followed by his dad. Oh, so she's not single. She's just waiting for her husband and son. lol. My bad. See? It's not good to make up stories because most of the time, your story is wrong. But then I thought that if that's a sign, what a very good sign it is.^_^