My friend here in the office forced me to sign up for Twitter. She said it will complete all the stalking that I have done so far. lol. I wonder why people love Twitter so much when all you can do is to make sure that what you're saying will fit the 140 characters frame they had allotted for you. She said Twitter is using the text lingo that's why there's a minimum number of characters allotted. Told her I will defy that norm. I am not a big fan of text lingo so will keep my posts short so I could still spell things out correctly. So far my impression of the site is it is just some text/cellphone version on the internet. It reminded me of the Ktext feature of ABS-CBN that you could get updates from your favorite celebrities except of course you have to subscribe and that means you have to pay for every update. For Twitter of course, you'll have it for free as long as you are connected to the internet.
Well, so far I am following 15 people and I have 8 followers already! Not bad, considering that I am still in the first hour of my Twittering moments.haha.
So if you have a twitter account, go ahead, add me up. Just click on the image.*wink*
And yes start sending me your Twitts. lol.
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