Actually I simply changed the template. lol. What do you think? Is this better than my previous blog template? I am having a hard time editing the codes though especially with the comments section. there are cases that if a thread have a lot of comments, it tends to overlap with my footer. See my What's Wrong with me? thread to have a better look of the problem. Any suggestions how to get rid of that? Also I am having trouble creating a link for the Home, About, Contact and FAQ sections. Any suggestions how to create those links? haha.
But yes, I like this new look.^_^

i like this more! you know me naman, i'm such a sucker for colors.
pards! i'm so kilig-to-the-bones. remember the trainer guy i liked before? well, i saw him again today (i was sorta girlish today), and he really stopped and stared at me (for a second or two, which would naturally seem like eternities to me), tapos nag-apir pa siya sa akon! waaaah. gawd, those dimples are endorphines.
galing he wasn't such a good luck to me. bad chats. hahaha. pero okay lang. heaven!
anyway, have i told you that i really dig this new look? it's way way way...ummm...positive-looking. hahaha. i see a change in you ha. hmmmm...must be the crushie from work ano? i never imagined you liking these colors eh.
whatever it is that's causing this change, i love it/him/her (O_O). ^_^
haha. is that the David Cook/Paul look-a-alike? I wonder what does the sorta-girlish-today looks like. Heels? Dress? Off-shoulder blouse? super short shorts? lol. Mr. Cook might have had the time of his life while staring at you. Or is it the other way around?XD
Oh syet! about the Crushie, did you know that everybody here in the account knows it already? Ginbuko ko sang isa ko kaupod. My gawd.
Anyway for this new blog look, actually, he have a blog man and when I checked on it daw nahuya ko sa blog ko. lol. super edit man ko eh. hahahaha. Nadula galing ang iban ko nga links so this is still under construction.glad you like it.^_^
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