Time Travel. Love. Infidelity. Sex. Age. Fate. Death.
Those are the top things that will first come to mind whenever I'd think of The Time Traveler's Wife at least if I'd think of the book more than the movie. It's one of those books that I wanted to read in one sitting simply because it's definitely a page-turner. However, the number of pages won't allow me to do so.
The plot is complicated, ambitious but that's when you know the author is great. That although you know that a story such as this is totally impossible in real life, you'd end up believing it anyway.
From the book synopsis --- This is the extraordinary love story of Clare and Henry who met when Clare was six and Henry was thirty-six, and were married when Clare was twenty-two and Henry thirty. Impossible but true, because Henry suffers from a rare condition where his genetic clock periodically resets and he finds himself pulled suddenly into his past or future.
Weird isn't it?
That's why in a way I was wondering how will the film-makers be able to materialize the book in to a movie with-out confusing its audience especially those who have not yet read the book. And I'm satisfied with the movie outcome.
Of course there's a lot of scenes that were omitted. Not all characters were given much spotlight. Not all topics I've mentioned were included. This is not a sci-fi movie by the way. So don't think this is one of those sci-fi movies that dwells more on the possibility, rationale and theories behind time traveling. And although if you had read the book, there's a lot of explanations about that subject, it helped that in the movie, they did not dwell in to that much.
It focuses more on how Clare and Henry cope and tried to live a normal life. It showed us that true love can definitely wait over and over again. And though in reality time passes, if you're with the one you love, you can make Time stand still.
Sometimes I wonder if waiting is a unique gift given to women. Like princesses in fairytales simply wait for their prince charming to come not that they'd go looking for prince charming themselves. That reminded me of a friend getting reprimanded by her mom cause she said she'd go looking for love. Her mom rebuked her and said no, you don't go looking for love. Love looks for you. Let it find you.
But what if Love finaly finds you but it always come and go? Would you rather keep on waiting or look for someone who can stay?
Clare always finds herself in such predicament. She don't know when Henry would disapper and when would he come back. Who would want their husband disappearing during the first night of their marriage or during Christmas and New Year's eve? With-out any means of contacting him. Or in your ordinary lives as husband and wife, you'd find the shower left open, the stove still on fire and you always find your self picking up the pile of clothes left by the time-traveler. One can't help but admire Clare's patience and undying love for Henry.
A time-traveling husband is definitely not possible but a love shared by Henry and Clare is definitely to die for.
Rating: ★★★★☆
haaaay...i feel sad thinking about it. and i hate that you seem to be right about the "waiting" thing. why the hell do we wait anyway? tani pwede na lang nga ako na lang nga ako mangaluyag. -_-
haaay...why oh why am i loveless? pards, di lang bala ikaw ang ginapamangkot kung ngaa wala pa. ako man bala. kailinit. ano sabat sang isa ka nbsb man? "wala pa may nagsala"?!? -_-
haaay...my gawd! i made your blog my personal rant page. hehehe.
my favorite part in the book will always be the prologue. always, always. i honestly don't want to be someone's claire. i mean, i've been waiting for him to practically smash into me and he'd make me wait more? asa! hehehe.
haha. you should know better pards. you're the friend I was referring to.XD
yes, prologue's my favorite part as well. Actually, I decided to have my copy cause I read the first few pages and loved it again. daw ka swak na swak gid bala haw.
I want to read the 2nd novel of Audrey Niffenegger, Her Fearful Symmetry. Read the first 2 chaps. So far so good. But I think, it's not yet available here.
pards, i haven't heard of 'her fearful symmetry' yet. tapos gincheck ko sa amazon right after reading this, guess what? ara na ni sa national bookstore. i saw it today. pero wala ko ginsapak kay ang cover daw ka wala lang (time travelers ya, sapatos pa lang, nakuha na ko). it's here na. i'll read the synopsis. thanks for the info! ^_^
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