It's the last day of the year. Oh sorry, I think that was my opening line for my last blog entry but just can't get a way with it. I never had a time to post a blog for the last days but I don't want the year to end with out blogging anything. 2009 is extra special cause this year is the birth of this blog site. So I better write something on this last day. And as you can see I did some panic-blogging. lol.
2009. What a year.
A year had already passed. Wow, it feels like it was only yesterday that I am also writing a post such as this in my old blog site. How was my 2009? What are the changes and the things that had remained unchanged for me for this year? Was I happy?
Of course if we are to sum up everything, I've been truly blessed this year. How will I put it? hmmmm...Ok, since it's December 31 here's the Top 31 things that had made me pre-occupied/busy/happy/sad for this year that I could think of.
31. Starbucks. I had coffee almost everyday especially for this month from Starbucks. Naghahabol na malagyan lahat ng sticker para makakuha ng 2010 planner.
30. Got addicted to American Idol. Became a super fan of Kris Allen. Got all his AI songs,post-AI album and his first ever self-titled album.
29. Became a godmother for the first time.
28. Got 122 Blog posts including this.
27. I became the queen of Overtime at work. Always on call.
26. Started blogging and blogged like there's no tomorrow. Happy that a lot of people are reading my blogs. And even happier that a lot can tolerate my narcissism.=p
25. Had Dates. Deals. Whatever you call it. Went out with some guys just for the sake of "going out" and in the name of dating.
24. Met new friends from other accounts and from other call-centers. I am amazed with the human brain, as to how it can process all these faces and names together. cool.
23. Was able to go home 4 times this year.
22. Panic buying for books. I'm running out of boxes in our boarding house as to where I can place all those books.
21. Drank a number of beer with college friends and office mates in Cebu. Good news: I did not pass out. =p
20. Won two raffles in our office. Prizes: a timex watch and a personal refrigerator.
19. Liked Astroboy again. But take note, like. But yeah, I guess I never stopped liking him. Followed his blogs, his posts, all his replies and yes even his love life.^_^
18. Celebrated my 22nd birthday. 22 years of single-blessednes.=p
17. Argued with a number of customers but pleased and satisfied hundreds of callers.
16. I only had 3 haircuts for this year.
15. Got addicted to facebook. There was a time that I was updating my status message almost every 20 minutes. Disliked Friendster.
14. Was transferred to another account. More calls, more stressful, much harder. But already use to it. New environment, new people, new friends.
13. The only concert that I get to watch this year is Sarah Geronimo's The Next One. But that was a VIP ticket.
12. I finally get to meet and able to shook hands with John Lloyd but still no pic with him.=( maybe next year?^_^
11. Started changing wardrobe. Starting to switch from shirt to blouse, straight cut to skinny jeans, flats to heels. But I still love jeans and sneakers.
10. Had two new crushes on the list: Jordan Gordon Levitt from 500 Days of Summer and my office mate.
9. Became a love doctor/love advicer but still ended up confuse about love.
8. Watched movies alone for a lot of times.
7. Record breaking info: never cried this year because of a guy.
6. Maybe because I have crushes but I was technically not in love with any guy, not even Astroboy made me cry.
5. Became more open-minded with my present civil status: single. Finally admitted that the more you search for it, the more you can't find it.
4. I was never absent for work for the entire year. And I was never tardy as well.
3. I was only sick once, like I had a headache or I have occasional sore throats but I was pretty much healthy the whole year. (Thank God)
2. Stronger faith. Attended mass regularly every Sunday.
1. Started the year waiting and ended the year hoping.
Well, this is it. 2009 is almost over. As much as we like some things to remain suspended in time, they never do.
Posted in
8:12 PM
kristine cuer
"Last day of the year." I think this is the most used sentence today. And you can't help but to get nostalgic during times like these right? It's just the right feeling. Anyway, I'd let that sink in first and so for now I am going to give my own countdown. My Top fives for the year 2009. (kala nyo sa radyo at TV lang, sa blog pwede rin=p ). So here it is, my top 5 favorite for the websites, music, movie, books and coffee shop categories.
Websites: (most visited sites aside from search engine sites)
5. - thanks to this site, get to see reruns of Susan Boyle and Kris Allen's performance
4. - for a while, I was hook to this site. "side-line".
3. - I get to follow favorite artists and friends. Follow me too.
2. - best friend during idle time. Naruto!
1. - love love love this site. Best social networking site.
Music: (most played in my playlist)
5. Home by Michael Bubble - this became my theme song whenever I feel homesick and sad.
4. Mad by Neyo - although I can not technically relate to this, I love the lyrics and the melody and I even liked it more when I saw the video of a pair from So You Think You Can Dance interpreting this song.
3. The Truth by Kris Allen - my most favorite song from Kris Allen's first Album.
2. Jump then Fall by Taylor Swift - I can relate to the lyrics. that's all bow.
1. To Make You Feel my Love by Kris Allen - This is the first song that Kris sang that I actually loved and went crazy over. I Was instantly hooked with American Idol season 08 after that. And yes I became an instant fan of Kris and yep still a fan.
5. Hurt Locker - One of the best war movies I've ever seen. Very moving.
4. Up - First 3D film I've watched. Movies for the young and the adults. Funny and very heart-warming.
3. Star Trek - The only Star-trek film that I get to watch and I fell in love with the movie right on. Great story line.
2. Avatar - Great Effects. Great Script. Great story. Great movie. Exceeded my expectations. James Cameron is really the man.
1. 500 Days of Summer - Became my "bible" about love and relationships this year. Love the OST and love the movie.
Books: (books I've read this year but not necessarily published in 2009)
5. Dear John by Nicholas Sparks - what do we expect from Mr. Sparks? heartbreaks and melodramatic lines of course. Cried while reading this book. Can't wait for the movie adaptation.
4. Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold - Love the intro, weird ending but good book all in all. Very unique writing style.
3. Life of Pi by Yann Martel - Another weird book. But weird in a good way. About a man of many faith. A story of survival.
2. The Choice by Nicholas Sparks- Another Sparks novel. T_T need I say more?
1. The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch - about the last lecture given by Randy, a professor who died from cancer. A story about how to reach your dreams.
Coffee shops
5. Boss Coffee - coffee shop inside the fully-booked bookstore. I like their cafe mocha.
4. Coffee Bean - just light bended. a little less expensive than other shops. love their cafe latte.
3. Dunkin' Donuts - Bunwich and Coffee. Bunwich reminds me of someone and coffee is me. =p but I love their brewed coffee.
2. Seattle's Best - Like their Raspberry Kiss Mocha. Free Wi-fi too.
1. Starbucks - I want stickers! lol. Still love their White Chocolate Mocha and Java Chip for their Frap. I love their barista too. =p
Alright! So there you go. This has been you BJ (Blog Jockey) Kristine signing off.XD
Websites: (most visited sites aside from search engine sites)
5. - thanks to this site, get to see reruns of Susan Boyle and Kris Allen's performance
4. - for a while, I was hook to this site. "side-line".
3. - I get to follow favorite artists and friends. Follow me too.
2. - best friend during idle time. Naruto!
1. - love love love this site. Best social networking site.
Music: (most played in my playlist)
5. Home by Michael Bubble - this became my theme song whenever I feel homesick and sad.
4. Mad by Neyo - although I can not technically relate to this, I love the lyrics and the melody and I even liked it more when I saw the video of a pair from So You Think You Can Dance interpreting this song.
3. The Truth by Kris Allen - my most favorite song from Kris Allen's first Album.
2. Jump then Fall by Taylor Swift - I can relate to the lyrics. that's all bow.
1. To Make You Feel my Love by Kris Allen - This is the first song that Kris sang that I actually loved and went crazy over. I Was instantly hooked with American Idol season 08 after that. And yes I became an instant fan of Kris and yep still a fan.
5. Hurt Locker - One of the best war movies I've ever seen. Very moving.
4. Up - First 3D film I've watched. Movies for the young and the adults. Funny and very heart-warming.
3. Star Trek - The only Star-trek film that I get to watch and I fell in love with the movie right on. Great story line.
2. Avatar - Great Effects. Great Script. Great story. Great movie. Exceeded my expectations. James Cameron is really the man.
1. 500 Days of Summer - Became my "bible" about love and relationships this year. Love the OST and love the movie.
Books: (books I've read this year but not necessarily published in 2009)
5. Dear John by Nicholas Sparks - what do we expect from Mr. Sparks? heartbreaks and melodramatic lines of course. Cried while reading this book. Can't wait for the movie adaptation.
4. Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold - Love the intro, weird ending but good book all in all. Very unique writing style.
3. Life of Pi by Yann Martel - Another weird book. But weird in a good way. About a man of many faith. A story of survival.
2. The Choice by Nicholas Sparks- Another Sparks novel. T_T need I say more?
1. The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch - about the last lecture given by Randy, a professor who died from cancer. A story about how to reach your dreams.
Coffee shops
5. Boss Coffee - coffee shop inside the fully-booked bookstore. I like their cafe mocha.
4. Coffee Bean - just light bended. a little less expensive than other shops. love their cafe latte.
3. Dunkin' Donuts - Bunwich and Coffee. Bunwich reminds me of someone and coffee is me. =p but I love their brewed coffee.
2. Seattle's Best - Like their Raspberry Kiss Mocha. Free Wi-fi too.
1. Starbucks - I want stickers! lol. Still love their White Chocolate Mocha and Java Chip for their Frap. I love their barista too. =p
Alright! So there you go. This has been you BJ (Blog Jockey) Kristine signing off.XD
Posted in
7:54 PM
kristine cuer
I'm very much in demand these days. I feel like a popular music artist with a tag: "Kristine-On-Demand", cause every one wants to see and get a piece of me. lol. Of course cause I've been a way for a long time now and it's just now that I had a little longer vacation period than usual. So first stop: High School Reunion.
We had it the night of the day I arrived. Hope that makes sense. =p But I feel extra special 'cause the original date was December 27 and if that was the case of course I'll never make it. But good thing, it was moved last 29th to accommodate me. haha. Nah, I really don't know the reason why it was moved. But whatever that was doesn't matter. We had the time/night of our lives.
We had our reunion in my best-friend's place. Back in high-school, his place is one of those we usually go to whenever we'll have parties or make our school project. Tita (his mom) is always generous and good enough to tolerate our noise. The food was great. And though not everybody back in highschool were able to make it, we were able to make use of our resources, that means more food for everyone. lol.
It was really fun. We played charades, boys versus girls, and I have to admit, our boys are really really good! We will have our revenge next time! We also did videoke (yes, I too sang, no wonder it rained that night)haha. And of course the nitty-gritty part: checking on each other's love life. I wanted to answer: working on it. lol. But Nah...I had the usual answer of course: Technically single but yes waiting/searching.
High School. One of the best years of my life. And that though right now we all have our own life to live: engineers, call-center agents, nurses, accountants, HR...we will always look back to those times when the boys are still wearing khaki pants and the girls are wearing green-checkered skirts. I'd always be grateful and happy to be a part of the Monami/401 Family.
Till next time guys!

We had it the night of the day I arrived. Hope that makes sense. =p But I feel extra special 'cause the original date was December 27 and if that was the case of course I'll never make it. But good thing, it was moved last 29th to accommodate me. haha. Nah, I really don't know the reason why it was moved. But whatever that was doesn't matter. We had the time/night of our lives.
We had our reunion in my best-friend's place. Back in high-school, his place is one of those we usually go to whenever we'll have parties or make our school project. Tita (his mom) is always generous and good enough to tolerate our noise. The food was great. And though not everybody back in highschool were able to make it, we were able to make use of our resources, that means more food for everyone. lol.
It was really fun. We played charades, boys versus girls, and I have to admit, our boys are really really good! We will have our revenge next time! We also did videoke (yes, I too sang, no wonder it rained that night)haha. And of course the nitty-gritty part: checking on each other's love life. I wanted to answer: working on it. lol. But Nah...I had the usual answer of course: Technically single but yes waiting/searching.
High School. One of the best years of my life. And that though right now we all have our own life to live: engineers, call-center agents, nurses, accountants, HR...we will always look back to those times when the boys are still wearing khaki pants and the girls are wearing green-checkered skirts. I'd always be grateful and happy to be a part of the Monami/401 Family.
Till next time guys!
Best 'n me. waahhhh si Dixie nag-intra. haha.
no wonder it rained that night.XD

patweetums =p
Posted in
6:53 PM
kristine cuer

I'm finally back. I'm finally home.
I flew back home last Monday morning. The plane landed 10 minutes ahead of arrival schedule which was a very good thing. The entire flight though was not that enjoyable. There was a lot of turbulence and I felt like the plane was going to crash anytime. I think I was extra sensitive that morning. I can feel the entire plane shaking and I tried to concentrate listening to my playlist. I was sitting beside the window pane where the airplane's propeller is located and I was imagining that the propeller will malfunction anytime and then it will hit directly towards my location. Or that the plane will have an emergency landing in the water and that we'd all be wearing life vests while waiting for the rescue team to arrive. Geez...I think that's one of the side-effects of watching too much movie. Imagine my relief when the plane finally hits land.
It was my younger bro and aunt who fetch me from the airport. My mom was admitted in the hospital which of course was not really a good post-Christmas gift and a welcoming party. Thank God she's all better and all ready to go out the hospital when I arrived.
Nothing much had change in our province. There are still roads which were under-construction just like the last time I went home. How long thus a reconstruction of a road usually takes? A month, a year? I've been staying in Cebu for a year and 9 months now but those roads have always been under construction and the traffic lights in the intersection of our city is still not lit up. What the heck are they going to do with those traffic lights if they'd let it left unused? It's crazy. I just can't understand why until now they just can't turn on those traffic lights. What are they waiting for? For those to rust? Or for election day? Effin Politicians.
Anyway, it's really good to be back. I can forget/disregard those things for a while knowing that those are part of the imperfections of the place where I grew up. It's still amazes me that in here I get to speak my first dialect. And though there are times now where in I find it awkward/funny listening to this sing-song-type of dialect it's good to speak them again. I'll left unuse my twang for the mean time.=p
I'm trying not to think of work for now. I'm spending the rest of my vacation catching up with the lost times with my family and friends. For I know this will end pretty soon and I have to get back there. Sometimes I'm thinking of finding a job here in my province instead. But that remains to be seen. Well, 2010 will be another year.
We'll see.

I'm finally back. I'm finally home.
I flew back home last Monday morning. The plane landed 10 minutes ahead of arrival schedule which was a very good thing. The entire flight though was not that enjoyable. There was a lot of turbulence and I felt like the plane was going to crash anytime. I think I was extra sensitive that morning. I can feel the entire plane shaking and I tried to concentrate listening to my playlist. I was sitting beside the window pane where the airplane's propeller is located and I was imagining that the propeller will malfunction anytime and then it will hit directly towards my location. Or that the plane will have an emergency landing in the water and that we'd all be wearing life vests while waiting for the rescue team to arrive. Geez...I think that's one of the side-effects of watching too much movie. Imagine my relief when the plane finally hits land.
It was my younger bro and aunt who fetch me from the airport. My mom was admitted in the hospital which of course was not really a good post-Christmas gift and a welcoming party. Thank God she's all better and all ready to go out the hospital when I arrived.
Nothing much had change in our province. There are still roads which were under-construction just like the last time I went home. How long thus a reconstruction of a road usually takes? A month, a year? I've been staying in Cebu for a year and 9 months now but those roads have always been under construction and the traffic lights in the intersection of our city is still not lit up. What the heck are they going to do with those traffic lights if they'd let it left unused? It's crazy. I just can't understand why until now they just can't turn on those traffic lights. What are they waiting for? For those to rust? Or for election day? Effin Politicians.
Anyway, it's really good to be back. I can forget/disregard those things for a while knowing that those are part of the imperfections of the place where I grew up. It's still amazes me that in here I get to speak my first dialect. And though there are times now where in I find it awkward/funny listening to this sing-song-type of dialect it's good to speak them again. I'll left unuse my twang for the mean time.=p
I'm trying not to think of work for now. I'm spending the rest of my vacation catching up with the lost times with my family and friends. For I know this will end pretty soon and I have to get back there. Sometimes I'm thinking of finding a job here in my province instead. But that remains to be seen. Well, 2010 will be another year.
We'll see.
Posted in
10:45 PM
kristine cuer
I wanted to write a blog about Christmas but I don't want to write something sad and sappy during this time of the year. Don't get me wrong, it's not entirely that bad and all but you'd get my point right away if I'd say that I am away from my family during this celebration for the 2nd time now.
And so I simply found some ways to lighten up the evening. I am technically working tonight but that should not stop us from having some fun right? So here's to Christmas and idle time!

And so I simply found some ways to lighten up the evening. I am technically working tonight but that should not stop us from having some fun right? So here's to Christmas and idle time!

Merry Christmas to Everyone!^_^
Posted in
love life,
9:00 PM
kristine cuer
While some of my office mates were busy dancing last company Christmas party that we had, me and my friend Abbie busied our selves having photo-ops with any cosplayer that we could see. Abbie was tagging me along with her till such time we saw him. Abbie said she have a plan. It's hypocritical to say that I am not excited with the thought of whatever that plan might be but the shy/modest me is holding me back. The last thing I need that night is him thinking/confirming that I do like him. But maybe after that night whatever doubt he might had is already non-existent today.
Abbie continued walking while I remained standing a few steps away, enough for me to hear and see what's happening at the corner of my eyes. He too was busy taking pictures and talking with some of his peers. He seemed to be nonchalant that Abbie was trying to get his attention. And so much to my surprise, Abbie forcibly pulled him to let him face her and with a tone that's more of a statement rather than a request said:
"Can I borrow you?"
I almost laugh when I heard that.
But even before he could answer she then pulled him over and when she reached my location, she pulled me as well, and let us stand side by side and said:
"OK, I'll take your picture".
And so there I was, forcing my self to smile, trying not to mind the uneven beating of my heart and trying not to think that he's actually there beside me smiling for the camera too. For once, I honestly forgot what's the right way to smile.
I can't seem to remember what happened next. I guess I just forced a smile and silently said thanks, turned my back and tried not to look back with two thoughts running in my head: What the hell just happened? and I must get out of here. And so I pretended to go to another cosplayer, acting as if I'd have another photo-op.
I can't say that I didn't saw that coming. I was somehow thinking that it's pretty much possible to have a picture with him that night but the right question was how. Abbie pretty much figured that out for me.
In the past, as far as me taking the "initiative" or making the first move to tell a guy that I do like him, it always involves a person like Abbie --- a friend who really enjoys/likes teasing me or a friend who would do everything to make me feel uncomfortably happy. In Abbie's case, that would be both. Over the years I've relied on quite a few "Abbies" to help me out. Help me out to get her job done to give me precisely what I want and when I want it.
Just like what happened that night, Abbie did her job properly.
It's crazy. But every time something like this happens I just find myself fighting the urge to thrust myself forward ---head-first and heart-first --- never minding if that someone will actually care to catch when I try to jump right off.
But yes, I continually and still fight that urge to jump over.
I don't like to be reminded that I need to be patient. I don't like to be reminded that being single involves a little amount of waiting ---alright make that a lot of waiting. But the more I think about it maybe (just maybe) patience is indeed the best virtue any woman should have.
Sounds primitive but I still want a guy (not necessarily the one I mentioned above) to do the jumping first. I want him to jump and fall in to me first.
That reminded me of a line from a Taylor Swift song: Don't be afraid to jump then fall, jump then fall into me.
And so I wait for a guy who's not afraid to do so.
But for now, I am left looking at folded photographs hoping, wishing, dreaming he might be the one who'd do it.
Abbie continued walking while I remained standing a few steps away, enough for me to hear and see what's happening at the corner of my eyes. He too was busy taking pictures and talking with some of his peers. He seemed to be nonchalant that Abbie was trying to get his attention. And so much to my surprise, Abbie forcibly pulled him to let him face her and with a tone that's more of a statement rather than a request said:
"Can I borrow you?"
I almost laugh when I heard that.
But even before he could answer she then pulled him over and when she reached my location, she pulled me as well, and let us stand side by side and said:
"OK, I'll take your picture".
And so there I was, forcing my self to smile, trying not to mind the uneven beating of my heart and trying not to think that he's actually there beside me smiling for the camera too. For once, I honestly forgot what's the right way to smile.
I can't seem to remember what happened next. I guess I just forced a smile and silently said thanks, turned my back and tried not to look back with two thoughts running in my head: What the hell just happened? and I must get out of here. And so I pretended to go to another cosplayer, acting as if I'd have another photo-op.
I can't say that I didn't saw that coming. I was somehow thinking that it's pretty much possible to have a picture with him that night but the right question was how. Abbie pretty much figured that out for me.
In the past, as far as me taking the "initiative" or making the first move to tell a guy that I do like him, it always involves a person like Abbie --- a friend who really enjoys/likes teasing me or a friend who would do everything to make me feel uncomfortably happy. In Abbie's case, that would be both. Over the years I've relied on quite a few "Abbies" to help me out. Help me out to get her job done to give me precisely what I want and when I want it.
Just like what happened that night, Abbie did her job properly.
It's crazy. But every time something like this happens I just find myself fighting the urge to thrust myself forward ---head-first and heart-first --- never minding if that someone will actually care to catch when I try to jump right off.
But yes, I continually and still fight that urge to jump over.
I don't like to be reminded that I need to be patient. I don't like to be reminded that being single involves a little amount of waiting ---alright make that a lot of waiting. But the more I think about it maybe (just maybe) patience is indeed the best virtue any woman should have.
Sounds primitive but I still want a guy (not necessarily the one I mentioned above) to do the jumping first. I want him to jump and fall in to me first.
That reminded me of a line from a Taylor Swift song: Don't be afraid to jump then fall, jump then fall into me.
And so I wait for a guy who's not afraid to do so.
But for now, I am left looking at folded photographs hoping, wishing, dreaming he might be the one who'd do it.
Posted in
12:56 PM
kristine cuer
Finally...2 Christmas parties down, 3 more to go!
We had our account Christmas party last Friday and last Saturday, we had our company party at Marco Polo Hotel, Cebu City. Remember the cosplay party I've been mentioning before? Finally, we had it last Sat. And no, I was not a cosplayer that night. I only went there to eat. Haha. I know. Party Pooper.
But it was really fun. Me and an office mate decided that since we don't have an appropriate costume, we decided to simply look like an assassin. And the stereotype assassin always wears black. So while she decided to wear a black top and pants, I went for a black dress and a black mean looking shoes. What I mean by mean is some shoe with heels and that literally is mean for my feet. lol. I went for wedge though rather than cigarette heels. I don't think I'd get through the night if I had the latter kind of heels. But to be honest about it, I love it! I'm seriously considering switching from doll/ballet kind of shoes to sandals/step-in/ and even gladiator shoes! Ooopsss....sorry, we're suppose to talk about Christmas party here and not about shoes. =p
Anyway, going back, just like what I've said, the party was great. The food were mouth-watering. The host is good looking.XD And it's good to see some people who really made an effort putting on some costume. My favorite group? The group of guys who wore Akatsuki uniform from Naruto and they opened the party with such a great dance number! Good looking guys and great dancers. Just so my type. =p
I think I had a photo-op with all the cosplayers that night. And not to mention I also had a photo-op with him. ^_^ But then again, that will be another story.
To top it all, I won a personal refrigerator during the raffle draw. lol. I am now being tag as a raffle-queen. My friends are urging me to buy a lottery ticket and try my luck to the next level. haha. Crazy.
I'm thinking of selling that fridge. I don't think I need it here. So if you know any prospect buyer please tell me, I'll give discounts and I'll give you commission too. =D
Haaayyyyyy....What a night. Fun. Fun. Fun! And I'm still thinking of that photo-op^_^
But yes, Work for it with fun always indeed.=)

photo credits for Abbie^_^
We had our account Christmas party last Friday and last Saturday, we had our company party at Marco Polo Hotel, Cebu City. Remember the cosplay party I've been mentioning before? Finally, we had it last Sat. And no, I was not a cosplayer that night. I only went there to eat. Haha. I know. Party Pooper.
But it was really fun. Me and an office mate decided that since we don't have an appropriate costume, we decided to simply look like an assassin. And the stereotype assassin always wears black. So while she decided to wear a black top and pants, I went for a black dress and a black mean looking shoes. What I mean by mean is some shoe with heels and that literally is mean for my feet. lol. I went for wedge though rather than cigarette heels. I don't think I'd get through the night if I had the latter kind of heels. But to be honest about it, I love it! I'm seriously considering switching from doll/ballet kind of shoes to sandals/step-in/ and even gladiator shoes! Ooopsss....sorry, we're suppose to talk about Christmas party here and not about shoes. =p
Anyway, going back, just like what I've said, the party was great. The food were mouth-watering. The host is good looking.XD And it's good to see some people who really made an effort putting on some costume. My favorite group? The group of guys who wore Akatsuki uniform from Naruto and they opened the party with such a great dance number! Good looking guys and great dancers. Just so my type. =p
I think I had a photo-op with all the cosplayers that night. And not to mention I also had a photo-op with him. ^_^ But then again, that will be another story.
To top it all, I won a personal refrigerator during the raffle draw. lol. I am now being tag as a raffle-queen. My friends are urging me to buy a lottery ticket and try my luck to the next level. haha. Crazy.
I'm thinking of selling that fridge. I don't think I need it here. So if you know any prospect buyer please tell me, I'll give discounts and I'll give you commission too. =D
Haaayyyyyy....What a night. Fun. Fun. Fun! And I'm still thinking of that photo-op^_^
But yes, Work for it with fun always indeed.=)

with Avatar - The last Air Bender
Akatsuki - Never thought they too can dance! weeeeee.
Shohoku with Coach Ansi. Rukawa! Rukawa! Rukawa!=p
photo credits for Abbie^_^
Posted in
6:15 PM
kristine cuer
After working for 8 days straight 'cause of a sudden change of sched, finally a rest day for me.
I was out for some social work today. Our company had an outreach program in Pari-An Social Center here in Cebu and I decided to join instead of spending my day sleeping/sulking in my room. Better do something worthwhile than to waste my time doing practically nothing. Good thing I did come. It was a fun-filled/fulfilling experience.
I've always love children, no matter how annoying they could get, no matter how rowdy they could become, they still remain lovable. I love kids primarily because I do have two small/younger siblings and a lot of nieces and nephews from my brother and cousins. I love children because they remind me of my youth. They make me wish I could be like them again too: carefree, innocent, full of life, truthful.
I am not a member of any NGO or any Social Worker Organization but I've done a couple of humanitarian works before. I remember back in college, there was a time when every Saturday, me and my friends will go to a certain baranggay and we will teach little girls Math, English and Religion. Doing social works is some sort of a reality check. It's hard to complain when you got to realize that your problem is nothing compared to what these less fortunate people have. It makes you feel guilty that you spent three-thousand pesos for a pair of shoes then you met this kid whose slippers badly needed to be replaced. And we are not talking about money alone here. It will also make you appreciate the importance of home and that though you are alone somewhere, you know pretty well that you still have a home you can come back anytime unlike those children. The streets became their home. Pari-An is just one of those organizations who is trying to change that.
It's sad but often times, we have to see other people misfortunes for us to start counting our blessings.
On a lighter note, pictures are yet to come. My camera phone needs some repairing so I got no pictures of my own. Have to wait for some pictures from those office mates who brought their cams. I hope I can also get a copy from the "he took my picture not just once but thrice!" =p
Anyway going back, it was definitely worth going there. And during the program when the children were in the center dancing and singing, I suddenly remembered a line from a Creed song:
Children don't stop dancing believe you can fly away.
I was out for some social work today. Our company had an outreach program in Pari-An Social Center here in Cebu and I decided to join instead of spending my day sleeping/sulking in my room. Better do something worthwhile than to waste my time doing practically nothing. Good thing I did come. It was a fun-filled/fulfilling experience.
I've always love children, no matter how annoying they could get, no matter how rowdy they could become, they still remain lovable. I love kids primarily because I do have two small/younger siblings and a lot of nieces and nephews from my brother and cousins. I love children because they remind me of my youth. They make me wish I could be like them again too: carefree, innocent, full of life, truthful.
I am not a member of any NGO or any Social Worker Organization but I've done a couple of humanitarian works before. I remember back in college, there was a time when every Saturday, me and my friends will go to a certain baranggay and we will teach little girls Math, English and Religion. Doing social works is some sort of a reality check. It's hard to complain when you got to realize that your problem is nothing compared to what these less fortunate people have. It makes you feel guilty that you spent three-thousand pesos for a pair of shoes then you met this kid whose slippers badly needed to be replaced. And we are not talking about money alone here. It will also make you appreciate the importance of home and that though you are alone somewhere, you know pretty well that you still have a home you can come back anytime unlike those children. The streets became their home. Pari-An is just one of those organizations who is trying to change that.
It's sad but often times, we have to see other people misfortunes for us to start counting our blessings.
On a lighter note, pictures are yet to come. My camera phone needs some repairing so I got no pictures of my own. Have to wait for some pictures from those office mates who brought their cams. I hope I can also get a copy from the "he took my picture not just once but thrice!" =p
Anyway going back, it was definitely worth going there. And during the program when the children were in the center dancing and singing, I suddenly remembered a line from a Creed song:
Children don't stop dancing believe you can fly away.
Posted in
love life,
love stories,
mr. right
5:02 PM
kristine cuer
I am obsess with love.
That sound true if we'd actually base it on this blog site, my hand-written journals, facebook status messages, twitter tweets, I pretty much talk about it most of the time. Which seems pretty much funny as well since technically speaking I've never been in a relationship which I've pretty much mentioned a lot of times too. Possibly, this inexperienced/lack-there-of contributes to that obsession as well. My innermost desire of creating my own fairy-tale.
Yeah, pretty much something like that.
I could think of a lot of reasons as to whom I could put the blame on this obsession. We have Nicholas Sparks and his novels. There's the A Walk to Remember, 500 Days of Summer, Now that I have You, One More Chance ---rom/com, rom/drama kind of movies. There's My Lovely Kim Sam Soon, Full House, Save your Last Dance for Me Korean series. The Maging Sino Ka Man teleserye. And of course I must not forget Beauty and the Beast, Anastacia and Cinderella---the damsel in distress and knight in shining armour kind of stories.
Love certainly amazes me. I just can't help my self but be fascinated by it. I'm a sucker for love notes, love stories, love songs, proposals and I could simply melt right on whenever a guy starts playing and sing along with his guitar. I love serenades even though their not dedicated for me.
Love is pretty much like a mathematical equation for me. The one that looks complicated at first glance because of all it's power and roots. Only to realize that after taking out the square roots and adding like terms, the equation is simple after all. Okay, I’m beginning to blabber here and gibberish so, so much for the talks about math but that analogy makes sense to me after all.
I guess this is just my view on love and relationship (esp. on romantic one). It's like you're standing beside an outdoor pool under the heat of the sun. The water from the pool is so cool yet so much inviting you to jump in to it and get wet...looks so wonderful...looks so enticing...Pretty much perfect.
Most especially when you're not in it.
This might sound like a boost of my bravado but if I'd really want to, I had long been in a relationship. I've met guys who are good enough (or maybe blinded enough. lol) to show interest over me. That's flattering. But I always find my self saying no. Primarily because, I never wanted to say yes to someone just for the sake of changing the status of my social networking sites profile.
Yes I do want my own share of romantic dinners, flowers, a photo-album full of our photographs together, a hand to hold, someone who'd say he loves me everyday of our lives. I do want to write about how our day together went out, of how well we complement each other, of how much we love each other. I do want to write and say the line: Finally, I've finally found someone. The search is over. The wait is over.
But True Love Waits the bible says. And so I wait.
I never intended to have things turn out the way that they have for me right now. Though yes, I do find it weird that until now, I've never been in a romantic relationship. And yes I do complain about it pretty much and that even made me wonder if there's something wrong with me.
But when I take a step backwards and view what I'm having/living right now, I can honestly say I wouldn't have it any other way. Cause though right now, I am still standing beside that pool looking over it, waiting, I know the right guy will finally come and take that plunge with me.
And thinking about it, makes all the difference.
That sound true if we'd actually base it on this blog site, my hand-written journals, facebook status messages, twitter tweets, I pretty much talk about it most of the time. Which seems pretty much funny as well since technically speaking I've never been in a relationship which I've pretty much mentioned a lot of times too. Possibly, this inexperienced/lack-there-of contributes to that obsession as well. My innermost desire of creating my own fairy-tale.
Yeah, pretty much something like that.
I could think of a lot of reasons as to whom I could put the blame on this obsession. We have Nicholas Sparks and his novels. There's the A Walk to Remember, 500 Days of Summer, Now that I have You, One More Chance ---rom/com, rom/drama kind of movies. There's My Lovely Kim Sam Soon, Full House, Save your Last Dance for Me Korean series. The Maging Sino Ka Man teleserye. And of course I must not forget Beauty and the Beast, Anastacia and Cinderella---the damsel in distress and knight in shining armour kind of stories.
Love certainly amazes me. I just can't help my self but be fascinated by it. I'm a sucker for love notes, love stories, love songs, proposals and I could simply melt right on whenever a guy starts playing and sing along with his guitar. I love serenades even though their not dedicated for me.
Love is pretty much like a mathematical equation for me. The one that looks complicated at first glance because of all it's power and roots. Only to realize that after taking out the square roots and adding like terms, the equation is simple after all. Okay, I’m beginning to blabber here and gibberish so, so much for the talks about math but that analogy makes sense to me after all.
I guess this is just my view on love and relationship (esp. on romantic one). It's like you're standing beside an outdoor pool under the heat of the sun. The water from the pool is so cool yet so much inviting you to jump in to it and get wet...looks so wonderful...looks so enticing...Pretty much perfect.
Most especially when you're not in it.
This might sound like a boost of my bravado but if I'd really want to, I had long been in a relationship. I've met guys who are good enough (or maybe blinded enough. lol) to show interest over me. That's flattering. But I always find my self saying no. Primarily because, I never wanted to say yes to someone just for the sake of changing the status of my social networking sites profile.
Yes I do want my own share of romantic dinners, flowers, a photo-album full of our photographs together, a hand to hold, someone who'd say he loves me everyday of our lives. I do want to write about how our day together went out, of how well we complement each other, of how much we love each other. I do want to write and say the line: Finally, I've finally found someone. The search is over. The wait is over.
But True Love Waits the bible says. And so I wait.
I never intended to have things turn out the way that they have for me right now. Though yes, I do find it weird that until now, I've never been in a romantic relationship. And yes I do complain about it pretty much and that even made me wonder if there's something wrong with me.
But when I take a step backwards and view what I'm having/living right now, I can honestly say I wouldn't have it any other way. Cause though right now, I am still standing beside that pool looking over it, waiting, I know the right guy will finally come and take that plunge with me.
And thinking about it, makes all the difference.
Posted in
love life
12:42 AM
kristine cuer
What would you do if your crush/the one you like/the one you love has a crush/likes/loves someone else?
I often find myself raising an eyebrow whenever someone would post that question to me. Most of the times, I'd just jokingly reply that I'd simply smile outside but cry from the inside. But of course anyone would most likely agree that there's more truth in it than a simple joke.
Here goes unrequited love again. And that really sucks.
But yes, what must one do if faced in a situation such as that? Especially if he'd tell it to you directly that he likes this girl and he looks happy and elated about it?
Personally, the only thing I could think of is to never let my face betray what I really feels inside. Maybe pride is all I have. And if I will let that guard down, what would be left of me?
Life indeed will be so much easier if the person we like could always like us back. Especially from a woman's point of view, it's way better if guys would always like us first. Unfortunately though, that's not the usual case. We are often left to hope much like plucking petals from a flower wishing "He loves me" will come true, only to realize that the last petal falls to "He loves me not".
And that really stinks.
Sometimes I wonder, what line separates the difference between being nice and giving out the wrong signals? More often than not, we'll never know what that line is. And most of the time, we learn it the hard way. We just realized/knew that his eyes/heart were not meant for us after all.
We were just the one who's always trying to convince ourselves that they have a crush on us too, that they too like us, that they too love us. We were trapped in surreality. We hoped. We believed. Only to realize later on that we were like looking through crush-colored glasses. Nothing was real. What you thought was something is nothing after all. Absolutely nothing.
And what are we left with? Ashes of a burnt journal, wet pillows, a lonely heart, a broken heart, a disappointed feeling and an unanswered question:
How could I ever thought that he'd actually want someone like me?
I often find myself raising an eyebrow whenever someone would post that question to me. Most of the times, I'd just jokingly reply that I'd simply smile outside but cry from the inside. But of course anyone would most likely agree that there's more truth in it than a simple joke.
Here goes unrequited love again. And that really sucks.
But yes, what must one do if faced in a situation such as that? Especially if he'd tell it to you directly that he likes this girl and he looks happy and elated about it?
Personally, the only thing I could think of is to never let my face betray what I really feels inside. Maybe pride is all I have. And if I will let that guard down, what would be left of me?
Life indeed will be so much easier if the person we like could always like us back. Especially from a woman's point of view, it's way better if guys would always like us first. Unfortunately though, that's not the usual case. We are often left to hope much like plucking petals from a flower wishing "He loves me" will come true, only to realize that the last petal falls to "He loves me not".
And that really stinks.
Sometimes I wonder, what line separates the difference between being nice and giving out the wrong signals? More often than not, we'll never know what that line is. And most of the time, we learn it the hard way. We just realized/knew that his eyes/heart were not meant for us after all.
We were just the one who's always trying to convince ourselves that they have a crush on us too, that they too like us, that they too love us. We were trapped in surreality. We hoped. We believed. Only to realize later on that we were like looking through crush-colored glasses. Nothing was real. What you thought was something is nothing after all. Absolutely nothing.
And what are we left with? Ashes of a burnt journal, wet pillows, a lonely heart, a broken heart, a disappointed feeling and an unanswered question:
How could I ever thought that he'd actually want someone like me?
Posted in
kris allen,
sleeping habits,
3:10 PM
kristine cuer
May giyera ba?
Yan ang unang pumasok sa isip ko ng nabulabog ang mahimbing kong pagtulog dahil sa pagdaan ng helicopter na sibayan ng pagpapaputok ng kapitbahay ng whistle bomb habang umaawit pa rin si Kris Allen ng awiting humiling na sanay padalhan sya ng mga anghel ngayon. Nagtetesting siguro ng mga paputok para sa bagong taon si kapit-bahay. Kung nagtataka ka naman bakit biglang may dumaan na helicopter, nakatira kasi ako malapit sa kampo ng mga sundalo kaya paminsan-minsa may dumarating talagang katulad nyan. Minsan nga may tatlong magkakasunod-sunod na malaking trak ang may-angkas na mga sundalo. Minsan tuloy akala ko may kudeta na dito sa Cebu.
Pero kailangang matulog ulit. Malayo pa ang day-off kaya kailangang wag masyadong magpuyat. Pero biglang kumalam ang tiyan. Nagtalo tuloy si mata at tyan. Napaisip tuloy ako, ano kaya ang uunahin? Antok o gutom? At aking napagtanto, mahirap matulog ng gutom. Kaya panalo si tiyan.
Napagpasyahan kong pumunta na lang sa mall. Wala rin naman akong maisip kong anong masarap kainin kaya mabuti ng maraming mapagpipilian. Kaya hayun, nagbihis, naglakad, sumakay ng jeep na panay Call Center agents ang pasahero. Panay kasi ang pag-ingles at ang laman ng usapan any kung gaano ka bobo ng ibang Kano. Mejo sanay na rin ako sa paksang yan kaya itinudo ko na lang ang volume ng mp3 ko. Si Kris Allen ulit, humiling parin na padalhan sya ng mga anghel ngayon.
Nakarating rin ako sa destinasyon. Buti na lang may nakaunang lalaki sa 'kin. Na-unang mag-jay walking. Kaya hayun, pinapili ng pulis kung magbabayad ba sya ng isang daan o a-attend ng tatlong oras na seminar ukol sa traffic rules. Ako naman, napilitang maglakad papuntang pedestrian lane.
Sa wakas nakakain na rin. Doon ako sa restaurant ni John Lloyd kumain. Isang slice ng pizza, isang serve ng spaghetti, isang piraso ng manok at isang baso ng Coke. Solve! Busog na!
Lumibot-libot na rin ako sa mall. Iniwasan ko muna ang bookstores, ika nga eh, stay away from temptations muna. Tumingin-tingin na lang ako sa mga boutique. Nagbabakasakali na makahanap ng pwedeng isuot sa cosplay X-mas party.
Sumagi na rin sa isip ko na pag hindi ako makakita ng maisusuot ng tulad ng kay Haruno Sakura, siguro bibili na lang ako ng skirt, tapos sleeveless top, knee-lenght na stripes na medyas, tapos mag-two-two-ears, tapos bibit-bitin ko na lang yung death note ko at presto! Si Misa Amane na ako!
O di kaya gugupitin at tatagpi-tagpiin ko ang mga damit ko at gagawing mukhang basahan at presto! Si Cinderella na ako, nung mahirap pa nga lang sya. =p
Pero mas maganda ata yung suggestion ng kaibigan ko na maging Sleeping Beauty na lang raw ako, wala pang gastos. Di nga lang ako a-attend ng party. Pero pag may nagtanong kung bakit ako absent, sasabihin ko lang na si Sleeping Beauty ako nung gabing yun kaya nakatulog at di nakapunta sa party. haha. joke3x!
Ang saya kapag Disyembre ano? Lalo na pag may trabaho ka. Alam mo kasing halos triple ng buwanang sahod ang pwede mong iuwi. Pero kaliwat-kanan rin naman ang selebrasyon at gastos. Christmas party sa opisina, homecomings, party kasama ang mga kaibigan nung highschool at college at party sa bahay. Sabi nga kahit anong party na lang ang naiisip ng tao, makahanap lang ng dahilan na maubos ang 13th month pay. =p
Pero di lahat masaya tuwing pasko lalo na yung kung tawagin ay parte ng SMC (Samahan ng Malalamig ang Christmas). Yung theme song eh kung hindi yung Sana Ngayong Pasko eh Pasko na Sinta ko ang palaging pinapatugtog. Mag-eemote pa yan, dudungaw sa binta, titingin sa langit na tila malayo ang tingin at malalim ang iniisip. Yung iba, may kasama pang hikbi. Ewan. Sa akin lang, sanayan lang yan.
Pasko na nga naman at tila nga kay tulin ng araw. Pero sa ngayon, kailangan ko na munang ituloy ang naudlot kong pagtulog sa saliw pa rin ng musika ni Kris Allen. Sana nga'y padalhan ako ng anghel ngayong araw.^_^
Yan ang unang pumasok sa isip ko ng nabulabog ang mahimbing kong pagtulog dahil sa pagdaan ng helicopter na sibayan ng pagpapaputok ng kapitbahay ng whistle bomb habang umaawit pa rin si Kris Allen ng awiting humiling na sanay padalhan sya ng mga anghel ngayon. Nagtetesting siguro ng mga paputok para sa bagong taon si kapit-bahay. Kung nagtataka ka naman bakit biglang may dumaan na helicopter, nakatira kasi ako malapit sa kampo ng mga sundalo kaya paminsan-minsa may dumarating talagang katulad nyan. Minsan nga may tatlong magkakasunod-sunod na malaking trak ang may-angkas na mga sundalo. Minsan tuloy akala ko may kudeta na dito sa Cebu.
Pero kailangang matulog ulit. Malayo pa ang day-off kaya kailangang wag masyadong magpuyat. Pero biglang kumalam ang tiyan. Nagtalo tuloy si mata at tyan. Napaisip tuloy ako, ano kaya ang uunahin? Antok o gutom? At aking napagtanto, mahirap matulog ng gutom. Kaya panalo si tiyan.
Napagpasyahan kong pumunta na lang sa mall. Wala rin naman akong maisip kong anong masarap kainin kaya mabuti ng maraming mapagpipilian. Kaya hayun, nagbihis, naglakad, sumakay ng jeep na panay Call Center agents ang pasahero. Panay kasi ang pag-ingles at ang laman ng usapan any kung gaano ka bobo ng ibang Kano. Mejo sanay na rin ako sa paksang yan kaya itinudo ko na lang ang volume ng mp3 ko. Si Kris Allen ulit, humiling parin na padalhan sya ng mga anghel ngayon.
Nakarating rin ako sa destinasyon. Buti na lang may nakaunang lalaki sa 'kin. Na-unang mag-jay walking. Kaya hayun, pinapili ng pulis kung magbabayad ba sya ng isang daan o a-attend ng tatlong oras na seminar ukol sa traffic rules. Ako naman, napilitang maglakad papuntang pedestrian lane.
Sa wakas nakakain na rin. Doon ako sa restaurant ni John Lloyd kumain. Isang slice ng pizza, isang serve ng spaghetti, isang piraso ng manok at isang baso ng Coke. Solve! Busog na!
Lumibot-libot na rin ako sa mall. Iniwasan ko muna ang bookstores, ika nga eh, stay away from temptations muna. Tumingin-tingin na lang ako sa mga boutique. Nagbabakasakali na makahanap ng pwedeng isuot sa cosplay X-mas party.
Sumagi na rin sa isip ko na pag hindi ako makakita ng maisusuot ng tulad ng kay Haruno Sakura, siguro bibili na lang ako ng skirt, tapos sleeveless top, knee-lenght na stripes na medyas, tapos mag-two-two-ears, tapos bibit-bitin ko na lang yung death note ko at presto! Si Misa Amane na ako!
O di kaya gugupitin at tatagpi-tagpiin ko ang mga damit ko at gagawing mukhang basahan at presto! Si Cinderella na ako, nung mahirap pa nga lang sya. =p
Pero mas maganda ata yung suggestion ng kaibigan ko na maging Sleeping Beauty na lang raw ako, wala pang gastos. Di nga lang ako a-attend ng party. Pero pag may nagtanong kung bakit ako absent, sasabihin ko lang na si Sleeping Beauty ako nung gabing yun kaya nakatulog at di nakapunta sa party. haha. joke3x!
Ang saya kapag Disyembre ano? Lalo na pag may trabaho ka. Alam mo kasing halos triple ng buwanang sahod ang pwede mong iuwi. Pero kaliwat-kanan rin naman ang selebrasyon at gastos. Christmas party sa opisina, homecomings, party kasama ang mga kaibigan nung highschool at college at party sa bahay. Sabi nga kahit anong party na lang ang naiisip ng tao, makahanap lang ng dahilan na maubos ang 13th month pay. =p
Pero di lahat masaya tuwing pasko lalo na yung kung tawagin ay parte ng SMC (Samahan ng Malalamig ang Christmas). Yung theme song eh kung hindi yung Sana Ngayong Pasko eh Pasko na Sinta ko ang palaging pinapatugtog. Mag-eemote pa yan, dudungaw sa binta, titingin sa langit na tila malayo ang tingin at malalim ang iniisip. Yung iba, may kasama pang hikbi. Ewan. Sa akin lang, sanayan lang yan.
Pasko na nga naman at tila nga kay tulin ng araw. Pero sa ngayon, kailangan ko na munang ituloy ang naudlot kong pagtulog sa saliw pa rin ng musika ni Kris Allen. Sana nga'y padalhan ako ng anghel ngayong araw.^_^
Posted in
4:30 PM
kristine cuer
I heard they'd be having a female movie version for the classic film The godfather played by Clint Eastwood. The actress who'd be playing the lead role for The godmother is a new actress in Hollywood. Her name is Jean Westwood.
Am I the only one laughing here? OK. That was corny. I bet you don't even know that that was a joke. Tsk. Tsk. Yah, got to stick with the old school jokes.-_-
Anyway, the only reason why I mentioned the godmother is because I am now officially one of them. I am now a godmother: the newest, the fairest, and the craziest of them all. =p
Before, I always have this notion that godfathers/godmothers or ninongs/ninangs are old, married, and their sole purpose is to give gifts during Christmas. Well, now that I am part of the society I think we could say that those are not absolute truths. First thing I am still young.^_^ Second thing, I am definitely still single. And third thing, I do not just inted to be just my godson's gift giving godmother. I want to be his friend/mentor as well. I will teach him how to throw some punches, solve Calculus problems, and break some girls heart. Kidding!=p
Somehow it still feels weird that someone will call me ninang though technically I have to wait for maybe a year before the baby can talk. Some maybe are already use to it but since this is my first, it definitely feels odd but I'm glad for it!
Well, what can I say to my godson. May you grow-up just the way your mom and dad wants you to be and be as charming and loving as your godmother. May your heart be fueled with passion, be geared with unity so you can be driven towards victory. (That sounds like a sportsfest theme back in college. lol)
But yes, Welcome to the Christian world Matthew Timothy Ylagan!
Am I the only one laughing here? OK. That was corny. I bet you don't even know that that was a joke. Tsk. Tsk. Yah, got to stick with the old school jokes.-_-
Anyway, the only reason why I mentioned the godmother is because I am now officially one of them. I am now a godmother: the newest, the fairest, and the craziest of them all. =p
Before, I always have this notion that godfathers/godmothers or ninongs/ninangs are old, married, and their sole purpose is to give gifts during Christmas. Well, now that I am part of the society I think we could say that those are not absolute truths. First thing I am still young.^_^ Second thing, I am definitely still single. And third thing, I do not just inted to be just my godson's gift giving godmother. I want to be his friend/mentor as well. I will teach him how to throw some punches, solve Calculus problems, and break some girls heart. Kidding!=p
Somehow it still feels weird that someone will call me ninang though technically I have to wait for maybe a year before the baby can talk. Some maybe are already use to it but since this is my first, it definitely feels odd but I'm glad for it!
Well, what can I say to my godson. May you grow-up just the way your mom and dad wants you to be and be as charming and loving as your godmother. May your heart be fueled with passion, be geared with unity so you can be driven towards victory. (That sounds like a sportsfest theme back in college. lol)
But yes, Welcome to the Christian world Matthew Timothy Ylagan!

The ninangs and the ninong
Galing pa sa trabaho ang mga yan. Gutom at puyat kaya pasensya na lang kung
walang naitindihan sa seminar. Ika-nga, ang mga babaeng walang pahinga. =p
Sabi nila di raw yan halo-halo, salad yan! mas marami pa kasi ang sahog
kesa sa yelo. Offended naman ako, di na nga ako marunong magluto, yang
paghalo-halo lang wala pa ring alam! Pero totoo nga, yung lasa parang yung
halo-halo na inilalako sa kalye, yung tig-lilimang piso bawat baso. lol.
The host: Matthew Timothy Ylagan.^_^
Posted in
4:28 PM
kristine cuer
I'll never understand men.
Alright. Maybe any representative from the XY-clan will tell the same thing towards women as well. But bear in mind that the blogger is a female and any gender bias/ gender stereotypes are intentional. I mean, of personal opinion only. =p
I've always been considered as one of the boys but that seems to be not enough for me to have a full understanding of their species. Maybe it's because of hormones. Or maybe because that's just how it works.
I spent the first half of my life playing with my two older brothers. I was the youngest and the only girl for over ten-years so I pretty much do whatever they do. Video games, playing cards, marbles, action movies and yes I didn't mind picking up a fight over them (physically).
There are still things though that men never fails to fascinates me. First on the list: their love for brutal, high-adrenaline, gruesome action. We have to admit that though women are trying to penetrate these sports: boxing, wrestling and UFC are really for the men's world. I'm amazed by how men seems to have tendencies to prefer disgusting, yucky, smelly stuffs. How they like to destroy then build something. But most of all, it's amazing how they somehow manage to keep their phone calls in two-worded questions and one-worded responses. --- and they call that a conversation.
Such a wonder, indeed.
As a member of the XX-clan there's only one thing that I find frustrating. Something that makes me want to wish I have Edward Cullen's special ability to read mind. Why does men just can not say what they feel right on?
Sometimes the temptation of jumping, of posting the questions for them are just so strong. Lines like...Do you like me? Don't think about anything...just say what you feel...Do you like me? You never had just a slight feeling for me? Not even 1%...? Then I'll teach you one more thing...Don't do stuff like this...Traveling all the way down here, crossing the sea (now that's really romantic don't you think?), making excuses that you have to get some stuffs or you got this sudden desire to explore the city or buy some gifts for your sister or a book for school. Do you know what that means? I might have feelings for you. If you don't have these feelings...then don't do stupid things like this! Don't make girls confused.
Oh sorry. Just remembered Kim Sam Soon. But I'm telling you it's kind of frustrating for us women to do the waiting.
Why is it so hard? If you like someone, then you like them...If you don't then you don't...Why is it so hard and complicated?
Oh sorry again, we are deviating from the topic.
So now what can I say as far as guys go?
They're crazy. They're immature. They're war-freaks. They're heart-breakers. They're like babies.
But they're cute too. =p
And I still find myself falling for them --- over and over and over again.^_^
Alright. Maybe any representative from the XY-clan will tell the same thing towards women as well. But bear in mind that the blogger is a female and any gender bias/ gender stereotypes are intentional. I mean, of personal opinion only. =p
I've always been considered as one of the boys but that seems to be not enough for me to have a full understanding of their species. Maybe it's because of hormones. Or maybe because that's just how it works.
I spent the first half of my life playing with my two older brothers. I was the youngest and the only girl for over ten-years so I pretty much do whatever they do. Video games, playing cards, marbles, action movies and yes I didn't mind picking up a fight over them (physically).
There are still things though that men never fails to fascinates me. First on the list: their love for brutal, high-adrenaline, gruesome action. We have to admit that though women are trying to penetrate these sports: boxing, wrestling and UFC are really for the men's world. I'm amazed by how men seems to have tendencies to prefer disgusting, yucky, smelly stuffs. How they like to destroy then build something. But most of all, it's amazing how they somehow manage to keep their phone calls in two-worded questions and one-worded responses. --- and they call that a conversation.
Such a wonder, indeed.
As a member of the XX-clan there's only one thing that I find frustrating. Something that makes me want to wish I have Edward Cullen's special ability to read mind. Why does men just can not say what they feel right on?
Sometimes the temptation of jumping, of posting the questions for them are just so strong. Lines like...Do you like me? Don't think about anything...just say what you feel...Do you like me? You never had just a slight feeling for me? Not even 1%...? Then I'll teach you one more thing...Don't do stuff like this...Traveling all the way down here, crossing the sea (now that's really romantic don't you think?), making excuses that you have to get some stuffs or you got this sudden desire to explore the city or buy some gifts for your sister or a book for school. Do you know what that means? I might have feelings for you. If you don't have these feelings...then don't do stupid things like this! Don't make girls confused.
Oh sorry. Just remembered Kim Sam Soon. But I'm telling you it's kind of frustrating for us women to do the waiting.
Why is it so hard? If you like someone, then you like them...If you don't then you don't...Why is it so hard and complicated?
Oh sorry again, we are deviating from the topic.
So now what can I say as far as guys go?
They're crazy. They're immature. They're war-freaks. They're heart-breakers. They're like babies.
But they're cute too. =p
And I still find myself falling for them --- over and over and over again.^_^
Posted in
10:03 AM
kristine cuer
It's all set. I'm going home on the 29th.
My brother is sweet enough to buy my plane ticket for me. As much as I want to have it earlier, that's the best day I could choose if I want to have a vacation that's a little longer than usual.
Sad thing though, December 29 means that I have to spend Christmas away from home. I'll be working on Christmas day much like Mr. Scrooge from A Christmas Carol. I'll be missing my high-school class reunion/Christmas party. I'll be missing a couple of friends birthday celebrations. Well, pretty much just like last year.
I guess I just got to get use to it.
For now I have to find ways to keep my self sane. Well, there's the upcoming christendom of my officemate's son and I'll be a godmother. The fairest godmother of them all. haha. There's of course the upcoming company Cosplay party (and till now, still no costume). A couple of good movies coming up (Been waiting for Astroboy, till now it's still not showing -_-). A coffee-shop's promo for a doodle book and a coffee mug(still need 12 more stamps to get my own copy). And of course there's work to keep me up all night.
But again, where's the love in between all of these?
haha. OK you might be saying I am lying this time. But really, I have reasons why I could still ask that.
Still thinking if I have to post it here.
Anyway. So much for the blabbers indeed.
My brother is sweet enough to buy my plane ticket for me. As much as I want to have it earlier, that's the best day I could choose if I want to have a vacation that's a little longer than usual.
Sad thing though, December 29 means that I have to spend Christmas away from home. I'll be working on Christmas day much like Mr. Scrooge from A Christmas Carol. I'll be missing my high-school class reunion/Christmas party. I'll be missing a couple of friends birthday celebrations. Well, pretty much just like last year.
I guess I just got to get use to it.
For now I have to find ways to keep my self sane. Well, there's the upcoming christendom of my officemate's son and I'll be a godmother. The fairest godmother of them all. haha. There's of course the upcoming company Cosplay party (and till now, still no costume). A couple of good movies coming up (Been waiting for Astroboy, till now it's still not showing -_-). A coffee-shop's promo for a doodle book and a coffee mug(still need 12 more stamps to get my own copy). And of course there's work to keep me up all night.
But again, where's the love in between all of these?
haha. OK you might be saying I am lying this time. But really, I have reasons why I could still ask that.
Still thinking if I have to post it here.
Anyway. So much for the blabbers indeed.
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