But yeah, back in college, among our school's activities, sportsfest is my favorite. It's the school event I was always looking forward to. It's not because I was an athlete. No. Although yeah, I was a member of our engineering women basketball team but believe me I was not that good. Main reason for joining: basketball jerseys are COOL. And yeah, I also took part on our chess tournaments but that's only because I had a reputation back then =p and for the sake of equilibrium. At least, I was engaged in both physical and mental sports. VERy cool.
But my fascination over sportsfest didn't start because of any sports or because it's during this time of the school year that men tend to flaunt themselves more. (Men in court were such an eye-candy =p) But no. It's not because of that. Did you know that I was a cheerleader back then?
Haha. Gotcha! Of course, I was just kidding. If you've been following my blog I've pretty much given you an idea how's my esteem with regards to dancing and cheering requires a lot of that.
But yep, back in college I became a member of our college's cheering team but only because it was a requirement in order to pass P.E. classes. But then of course, I was more of a bleacher cheerer. Sportsfest was a great time. Classes were converted to pompoms making sessions or practice period although there were really teachers whom we regard as the party-pooper cause they'd really find a way to squeeze in a project or two for you to work on. But still all in all, sportsfest means the best part of a student's life --- no classes.
Bleacher Cheering. So much memories --- but there's always that one memory that always stands out. Oh well, much had been said about that. Don't want to be wishy-washy again. ^_^ It's just sad cause there's a possibility that this'll be the last time my college is joining in. But always during this time of the year, I'd always remember sitting in one of those green bleacher seats and I'd start hearing again that beat: the drums started rolling and then I danced through his rhythm, his dance that he literally and figuratively taught me.
Who would have thought that sports-fest will end up making me one of its major players? The main player in this game called love?
aw----sobrang cheesy! =p
But I'll always remember that. Fueled with passion. Geared with Unity. Driven towards Victory.
It's time for a pit stop.
And now let's all sing the:
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