James Cameron did it again.
I've pretty much seen a lot of anticipated movies whose trailers are great but the film itself turned out to be a major disappointment. For this movie, Avatar, I was expecting more of a splendid/good visual effects much like the movie 2012 (after all this movie is also designed for 3D). But I set my expectations low for the film's plot. I was thinking that this is just another movie about man vs. another unknown universal being. But of course you might have guessed my train of thought. Boy, was I so wrong.
Avatar definitely is one of the greatest film ever. Aside from the fact that the visual effects are really good as expected, it's good for the brain as well. Cameron created a whole new world. Such a delight. Such an experience. It'll make you cry. It'll make you laugh. It'll make you realize that you don't have to be a human to be humane.
I've always been fascinated by those movies/books whose authors have this power to make you believe that such world can really exist and such language can be spoken. Much like Narnia, like Harry Potter's parcel tounge, or the Mordor's language from the Lord of the Rings. And now an addition to that list is Avatar's Navi.
What personally made me love this movie is the idea that this time it's us human who played the role of the protagonists. And this is not one of those alien movies (although I thought it would be since Sigourney Weaver is in the film. lol) But it makes you appreciate mother nature more. How many films had tried depicting the importance of nature to mankind? A hundred maybe. But only a few can pierce through your heart. And Avatar is one of the few.
Avatar sets another standard for movie industry. I am no professional critic but I know a good movie when I see one. And Avatar is not just good, it's a great film. You got to see it to believe.
Oh yes, I SEE YOU.^_^

Rating: ★★★★★
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