I had a very good long sleep yesterday. My schedule was changed so it was my day off yesterday and today. I've been having trouble sleeping for the last days and yesterday was treat in itself. I feel rejuvenated. =)
I woke up at dawn, famished and fortunately I still had a can of Pringles and a pouch of M&Ms. To tell you the truth, I am not much of a healthy eater. And lately I am in to junkies and sweets and whenever I go out and "dine" out, burgers, fries and pizza are always first on my list. Good thing it's not showing off my weight.^_^
I just thought of jogging all of the sudden. When I was still in school, both for high school and college days, I always find time to jog in the morning once in a while. And it's been a while since the last time I've jogged. And that was one lazy afternoon with some of my office friends. With my line of job, of course jogging in the morning is close to impossible and so I thought why not grab the chance now that I actually have one? Good timing. Good mood. Good morning. Beautiful Day. And so I read some few chapters off the book I was reading (Three Weeks with my Brother by Nicholas Sparks) and then prepared my running shoes at 6. And then I was off to jog.
I remembered writing about running. Let me quote my own self: I had always liked to run. A habit I had probably picked up from running for our Naval Citizenship Army Training back in high school. Back in those days, we were forced to run our school perimeter ten times. And we are suppose to that with in 30 minutes. I never complained. Aside from the fact that of course in a military set-up, it's suppose to be an "obey first before you complain" policy, I never complained because I like running a lot. And I also like those chants that we had while we were running. =) When I finished high school I had still manage to retain that willingness to run. Although I'm not competitive anymore and seldom timed my runs, running is one of the few times I could be alone with my thoughts. Running feels good to me. The blood rush. The wind against my face The strain on my feet and legs I love the sweat dripping on my skin...It almost feels like I could get use to it forever.
Those still hold true for me. Jogging in the morning was really a good way to start off my day. I mean after the junkies, at least I was doing something "healthy". =p The morning breeze, the wind against my face and hair, it feels good to actually sweat out. A stress reliever. And I like my jogging place. It's a military camp so there's really a lot of trees and the air smells good.
And I can't help singing a song from Michael Buble': Birds flying high. You know how I feel. Sun in the sky. You know how I feel. Reeds driftin' on by...You know how I feel. It's a new dawn. It's a new day. It's a new life. For me. And I'm feeling good.
Yeah I am feeling good.^_^
The version of Feeling Good by MUSE is way better: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmwRQqJsegw
yah, i like their version too. I even like Adam Lambert version as well. hehe. I just like the song itself.
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