And if there's a word that is somehow synonymous with summer, that would be: heat. And lately I've been taking in liters and gallons of fluids to quench my thirst. Have you ever had that feeling that you know you are thirsty but no matter how many glasses of water you had drunk you still feel thirsty and that you simply ended up feeling bloated as well? It's pretty crazy. I normally feel that these past weeks. Might be because of the summer heat. I always feel parched. (Oh sorry, I am like quoting my own words from one of my posts.)
But not today. Cause finally, after a long time --- it rained. We really can't say that this is the first summer rain. But still, I love it! I remembered it rained a few times during the first days of summer. But today, I take it all in as if it’s the first time I’ve ever seen it happen. If you'd ask me, it’s the most beautiful part of the summertime: for rain to finally come.
Pardon me again. I am just glad that I could finally change let it to finally .
Finally, it rained.
I hope I can say the same thing with my life.
That finally, it happened.
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