It's been a long long while.
Yes. I know. I know.
I'd like to blame my non-blogging days on work as usual or to my nine unread books. Or to my frequent trip to the movie house or to my long-hours of sleep and trip to dream land. But then again, those are nothing new. I had managed to squeeze in a little amount of time to blog before, then why not for these past few weeks?
Definitely not because I'm running out of things to write. I have a lot of movie reviews on hold. I could talk about the weather again. Or about Naruto's recent Manga update. Or my new bet in American Idol. Or my new job description. Or my already expired 2 years expiration date. Or of my over staying here in Cebu. Or of matters of the heart. Or of Love and lack-there of. Or of my family. Or of my friends. Or of politics. Etc. Etc. Etc.
Probably I was really not in the mood to blog.
Or probably I'm just really losing it --- my knack for blogging.
Well, to be honest about it, I don't think much of myself as a writer. And again it's not because of some low-esteem and lack of self-confidence issue. It's just the truth or make that my personal P.O.V. --- A blogger is totally a milestone away from being a true author/real writer. I'm not generalizing all bloggers so don't hate me with what I'm about to say: bloggers are more of trying-hard-to-be-writers.
Oh crap. I'm talking gibberish again.
Anyway, probably it's not really the knack for blogging that I'm losing but it's the inspiration. After-all, I am just an amateur and any amateur needs inspiration. I mean even professionals do need inspiration. Even Thomas Edison himself said: Genius is one percent perspiration and 99 percent inspiration.
If you don't know that line you could have believed me. =p. haha! Nah, it's the other way around. I know, I know. But my point here is you don't have to be a genius to actually blog. So we can have it that way: 99% inspiration.
So yah, probably I just really need a little inspiration to dawn on me again. And I'm not by any chance referring to a guy right a way. Although yah, for the most part I think a "him" won't be that bad.=p
Or probably it's just good to lie low for a couple of weeks.
Makes me more mysterious --- or so I thought.
But yeah, most likely I am back in the blog-working-force (again).
So, visit this site again. We have a lot of catching up to do.^_^
a good writer can write about things he has seen and make you feel like you're seeing it with ur own eyes. a great writer can write about things he hasn't seen and make u believe he had.
dont sweat it. most of us are good writers. its enough that people see the world thru ur eyes. and you dont have to explain urself. whether they get it or not,your job is done.
never thought that this would sound like an-explain-your-self-why-you-haven't blog. but I do appreciate your comment.
good point.
but i am not sweating at all. this blog site is after all just for the fun of it. or make that just a by-product of my boring/all-aloner-kind of life. =p
i cant believe how long it has been since i last visited this blog. you still manage to write, or blog, from time to time. that's nice to know. i don't think you have a boring life, but feeling lonely is..well, cant disagree with you on that one. no one can tell you what feel. haha. but whenever you think you have a lonely life, just remember you're not alone. :-)
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