It's almost summer. Oh pardon me, it is already summer. Graduations had been held and Summer break had finally officially begun. And lately I've been taking in liters and gallons of fluids to quench my thirst and parched throat. Have you ever had that feeling that you know you are thirsty but no matter how many glasses of water you had drunk you still feel thirsty and that you simply ended up feeling bloated as well?
It's pretty crazy. I normally feel that these past weeks. Might be because of the summer heat. I always feel parched.
But good thing we had rain showers for the past days. I remembered one time, I had written a journal when after such a long time, rain finally arrived. We can call that the first drops of summer rain for it to sound melodramatic. After all, rain tends to make one's mood sappy and melancholic and sad...
Anyway, it's nice to rain once in a while. I just hope there's no storm coming in. Hmmmm...this is so weird. I am talking about the weather.
Bad sign.
Oh, let the rain keep falling down cause it won't stop me from getting where I'm bound. Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe it's too late. But I'm gonna make it. Don't care what the skies say. So oh, let it rain. Let it rain. Let it rain
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