Sunday. And finally I had a real weekend rest day. Although what's on the top of my mind right now is to go back to our boarding house and sleep, I'm restraining my self not too. I had too much sleep these past few days and I think that habit also deserves a break. Like what they say, too much of something is bad enough.
It's been a while since that last time I've watched a movie and so I decided to go malling and see if there's something worth watching for this week. As it turned out, they're not my kind of movies so I fought the temptation of watching a movie just for the sake of watching and not because I want to.
The hardest part was going to the bookstore and seeing piles of Twilight Series book set. Of course I already have my own copy of the four books. And actually I have also the movie-tie-in version of the first book. But isn't it nicer if there's really a box intended for the whole set? And there's just too many of those box set these days! And to think that I had a hard time before completing my collection! And I don't have a box! So I was like muttering to my self...I already have my own collection, why would I buy a new set? Hmmm...Collector's thing? My first book has a fold on it's cover already and I lend it to an office mate and too bad she's an advocate of dog-ears. Hmmm...what if I will sell my current collection in ebay so that I will have a reason to buy this? And how about the story of how you were able to collect those 5 books? All those efforts? And I thought you are saving? Ok. Ok. Point taken. I have to stay away from here then.
Oh well. I did not give in to any of my whims today. And if you'd ask me, I think that's a good thing. One thing I've learned if you are to live independently, discipline is a must. It's either you go to sleep or go clubbing, either you save your money or spend it, or you either learn to let go or hang on a little longer. Wait. The last part is not
But I sure can't shake off those Twilight box set.
Posted in
david cook,
9:06 AM
kristine cuer
I've just realized something. Or rather, I've realized something last night. Although it's not something new that I could listen to the same song over and over again, I've never tried listening to one song again and again while doing nothing else but to lie in bed and look at the ceiling. Maybe I was just in a melodramatic mode last night. Might be because of the 523. Or might be because I was alone in our room 'cause my room mate had her work. Or might be because of the song itself. But anyway, that was just some temporary mood. Nothing serious I guess.
Posted in
American Idol,
kris allen
5:31 PM
kristine cuer
I'm possibly one of those people whom when they have a song that they don't like but when their idol had made a version of it, they had eventually learned to embrace and finally love the song. That will most likely happen to this very first single,No Boundaries, that my Kris Allen will have after winning the American Idol. I'm not all over the song unlike the first time I heard Time of our lives by David Cook or even the Do I make you proud by Taylor Hicks. But right after I heard the studio version of Kris, it had been my last song syndrome. And yes, I'm loving it.
Now that the show is finally finish and I'm extremely super duper satisfied with the result, I'm once again running out of things that would at least entertain me. My life had been pretty much really serious these past days if we'd take out the American Idol part. Not that I'm complaining about the newly appointed tasks but after passing that level 2 exam, bringing something to read during shift period is a waste of time. And blogging will be on or before shift time or during rest days. But of course, I can't complain. If you are paid more, then of course you are expected to do more work load. Wait, I'm suppose to talk about Kris Allen not about work. lol.
Oh well, what more can I say. He was indeed the Dark Horse of the competition. I'm actually happy because those people I've been rooting for usually in a competition don't win. At least he broke the trend. ^_^
Well, for now, we'll see what will happen after AI. I hope like Cook and Archuleta, he'd go to our country as well. That'll be a day to remember!
Now that the show is finally finish and I'm extremely super duper satisfied with the result, I'm once again running out of things that would at least entertain me. My life had been pretty much really serious these past days if we'd take out the American Idol part. Not that I'm complaining about the newly appointed tasks but after passing that level 2 exam, bringing something to read during shift period is a waste of time. And blogging will be on or before shift time or during rest days. But of course, I can't complain. If you are paid more, then of course you are expected to do more work load. Wait, I'm suppose to talk about Kris Allen not about work. lol.
Oh well, what more can I say. He was indeed the Dark Horse of the competition. I'm actually happy because those people I've been rooting for usually in a competition don't win. At least he broke the trend. ^_^
Well, for now, we'll see what will happen after AI. I hope like Cook and Archuleta, he'd go to our country as well. That'll be a day to remember!

Posted in
American Idol,
kris allen
10:15 AM
kristine cuer
And finally, the finale is over.
I'm word out as of the moment. Can't seem to find the right words to express how happy I am that the one I've rooted for the whole season of American Idol actually won the title. Just a big YESSSSS!!!!^_^
I'd get back if I had finally compose my self. People here are congratulating me too. lol.

Will definitely wait for your first album.^_^
For now, I badly need to get some sleep.XD
I'm word out as of the moment. Can't seem to find the right words to express how happy I am that the one I've rooted for the whole season of American Idol actually won the title. Just a big YESSSSS!!!!^_^
I'd get back if I had finally compose my self. People here are congratulating me too. lol.

Congrats Kris Allen!
You totally deserve it!
You totally deserve it!
Will definitely wait for your first album.^_^
For now, I badly need to get some sleep.XD
Posted in
feeling good,
7:20 PM
kristine cuer
Birds flying high
You know how I feel
Sun in the sky
You know how I feel
Reeds driftin' on by
You know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me.
And I'm feeling good.
Have you ever screwed up so bad in your life you begin to think no one will ever forget? That one great misfortune that will forever mar your existence?
I know I did.
I will never forget that biggest failure that I had. And that although we'd all keep on saying that it's ok, it was never ok actually. If it's another's person who's in that situation, most likely my advice would be to try to get over it and that that failure is not the end. The usual stuffs that we'd most likely say to a person who's feeling down to at least, pacify the feeling of grief. Of course I won't entirely say that that is not the right thing to do. After all, there are people who would definitely want to be consoled, hugged, comforted during those times. But if you are that grieving person, it definitely felt like it's the end.
I'm sorry. I'm suppose to right something about "Feeling Good". After-all, this had been really a good day for me. First thing, salary raise is already in effect when I got my payslip today. and second thing, I passed the level 2 examination that I was ranting weeks ago. I was all of a sudden popular in the office again with people congratulating me from right to left. All of these call for a celebration of course. And I found my self giving in to my team's whims: some pizza and ice cream party.
Maybe it's natural or maybe it's just me that with every victory that I have, I still can't seem to fully be happy about it because I keep on thinking of that failure. Maybe we could forgive ourselves from committing that mistake but we can never ever forget.
Or maybe one day I could redeem my self and truly say that I'm feeling good. That at least, I know what victory and failure truly means.
And as usual for now, we'll see.
You know how I feel
Sun in the sky
You know how I feel
Reeds driftin' on by
You know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me.
And I'm feeling good.
Have you ever screwed up so bad in your life you begin to think no one will ever forget? That one great misfortune that will forever mar your existence?
I know I did.
I will never forget that biggest failure that I had. And that although we'd all keep on saying that it's ok, it was never ok actually. If it's another's person who's in that situation, most likely my advice would be to try to get over it and that that failure is not the end. The usual stuffs that we'd most likely say to a person who's feeling down to at least, pacify the feeling of grief. Of course I won't entirely say that that is not the right thing to do. After all, there are people who would definitely want to be consoled, hugged, comforted during those times. But if you are that grieving person, it definitely felt like it's the end.
I'm sorry. I'm suppose to right something about "Feeling Good". After-all, this had been really a good day for me. First thing, salary raise is already in effect when I got my payslip today. and second thing, I passed the level 2 examination that I was ranting weeks ago. I was all of a sudden popular in the office again with people congratulating me from right to left. All of these call for a celebration of course. And I found my self giving in to my team's whims: some pizza and ice cream party.
Maybe it's natural or maybe it's just me that with every victory that I have, I still can't seem to fully be happy about it because I keep on thinking of that failure. Maybe we could forgive ourselves from committing that mistake but we can never ever forget.
Or maybe one day I could redeem my self and truly say that I'm feeling good. That at least, I know what victory and failure truly means.
And as usual for now, we'll see.
Posted in
kris allen,
sleeping habits,
6:55 PM
kristine cuer
Oh, that's not a shout-out to anybody out there. Just some lyrics of Kris Allen's rendition of Heartless from tonight's American Idol performance. It's something you must really check out.^_^
Anyway, I've been pretty much out of the blogging world for the past hmmm...3 days? These past days were more of work/sleep/work/sleep days for me. I'm still in the night shift and so my daily schedule is a mess. I usually go to work around 5:30 PM although I have to log in at 7PM. Yes...pretty early huh? Then I'd be logging out at 4AM then stay a little in my cube till 5AM...walk down to the nearest McDonald's and grab some breakfast. Go home and sleep. Wake up around 1 or 2 PM. Read some books till 4. Sleep for another hour. Prepare for work and start working again. My lunchtime? That would usually fall around 6PM. Or is that already dinner time?
But been really busy with work lately. Had some staff changes in the office and some work loads are literally over-loading me and my colleagues. But then again, that's just how real-life-office-work works right? Where's the fan if it'll be that easy?^_^
I hope these coming days, my life will be 'Kick Awesome'.
Just like Kris'. *wink
Anyway, I've been pretty much out of the blogging world for the past hmmm...3 days? These past days were more of work/sleep/work/sleep days for me. I'm still in the night shift and so my daily schedule is a mess. I usually go to work around 5:30 PM although I have to log in at 7PM. Yes...pretty early huh? Then I'd be logging out at 4AM then stay a little in my cube till 5AM...walk down to the nearest McDonald's and grab some breakfast. Go home and sleep. Wake up around 1 or 2 PM. Read some books till 4. Sleep for another hour. Prepare for work and start working again. My lunchtime? That would usually fall around 6PM. Or is that already dinner time?
But been really busy with work lately. Had some staff changes in the office and some work loads are literally over-loading me and my colleagues. But then again, that's just how real-life-office-work works right? Where's the fan if it'll be that easy?^_^
I hope these coming days, my life will be 'Kick Awesome'.
Just like Kris'. *wink
Posted in
1:45 AM
kristine cuer
You know what's the most difficult thing? It's doing nothing. And right now that I'm back in the night shift, I ought to have lesser breaks than I usually have. But good thing tonight, looks like all my guests got connected right away.XD And oh well, I was left with nothing else to do but to browse the internet as usual. And I happen to read again some crazy/funny poll questions that me and my crazy friends had made back in college in our sorority website. And I'm laughing out loud here in my cube (that had raised some eyebrows from my co-workers.) hehehe. Sorry, but I'm dealing with some private joke here. ROFLOL.

Who wanted me to wear Tux? lol. This is crazy. You should reread the other polls guys. Makes you nostalgic but a great reminder for all your crushes out there. I'm almost tempted to post it here. Now I'm hyperventilating.XD

Who wanted me to wear Tux? lol. This is crazy. You should reread the other polls guys. Makes you nostalgic but a great reminder for all your crushes out there. I'm almost tempted to post it here. Now I'm hyperventilating.XD
Posted in
mother's day
8:53 PM
kristine cuer
I found my self watching A.S.A.P. '09 today. One of the greatest changes in my life when I started living alone was to end my couch potato habit. When I was still in school, I always made sure that I won't miss my favorite TV shows. And I made sure that I get to watch A.S.A.P. every Sunday. From 12PM to 3PM, the television is all mine. Not that, my siblings would complain about it. I could easily bully them if I want to.XD hahaha. But I'd like to think that I've never been the evil sister. And anyway, they too like watching it. All of us are more or less that musically inclined.^_^
It's the second Sunday of May so the whole world is celebrating Mother's Day. A.S.A.P. of course had numbers paying tribute to all Mothers. Singing/Dancing for them. Good thing for those artists, they get to greet their mom on TV. As for me, thanks to technology and I found a way to greet and thanked my Mom as well.
My mom...I've always thought we are different. She's more of the outgoing-type, out-spoken, extra-duper-friendly person. lol. There are a lot of things I wish I've inherited from her especially her charisma. Politicians back home would ask for her service to had her campaign for them and to encourage people to join their party. And I failed to inherit her charms towards men. I remembered one time when grandmother told me a story about her that she was like the most-sought-after girl in her school before and of course I was just thinking that my grandma was just exagerrating because after all, that's her daughter. lol. But I found an old pic of my mom and I must say, "witiwiw!" lol. If I'd get back home I'll look for that pic and post it here.XD
Well, my mom would unlikely read this. She's not one of those who adheres to new technology that much. She's pretty contended with just a Television and a DVD Player. And she's very much predictable when it comes to her movie preferences. It's either Jackie Chan or a Korean Drama Series. But since today is Mother's Day, I guess it's just right and fitting for me to tell the whole wide web world that I love my mom. And although I doubt she had let me drink that milk Sharon Cuneta is advertising, I have to agree with her.
Mom, You're my #1.
It's the second Sunday of May so the whole world is celebrating Mother's Day. A.S.A.P. of course had numbers paying tribute to all Mothers. Singing/Dancing for them. Good thing for those artists, they get to greet their mom on TV. As for me, thanks to technology and I found a way to greet and thanked my Mom as well.
My mom...I've always thought we are different. She's more of the outgoing-type, out-spoken, extra-duper-friendly person. lol. There are a lot of things I wish I've inherited from her especially her charisma. Politicians back home would ask for her service to had her campaign for them and to encourage people to join their party. And I failed to inherit her charms towards men. I remembered one time when grandmother told me a story about her that she was like the most-sought-after girl in her school before and of course I was just thinking that my grandma was just exagerrating because after all, that's her daughter. lol. But I found an old pic of my mom and I must say, "witiwiw!" lol. If I'd get back home I'll look for that pic and post it here.XD
Well, my mom would unlikely read this. She's not one of those who adheres to new technology that much. She's pretty contended with just a Television and a DVD Player. And she's very much predictable when it comes to her movie preferences. It's either Jackie Chan or a Korean Drama Series. But since today is Mother's Day, I guess it's just right and fitting for me to tell the whole wide web world that I love my mom. And although I doubt she had let me drink that milk Sharon Cuneta is advertising, I have to agree with her.
Mom, You're my #1.
Posted in
Star Trek,
Zachary Quinto
7:52 PM
kristine cuer
Alright it is...

and today we'll take closer look to world of:

I've never seen any Star Trek movies before or even the television series version. I guess that would pretty much give you an idea how young I am. lol. Or maybe because I'm just not really in to these kinds of movies. My curiosity over Star Trek itself started when I read the book The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch and he mentioned his fascination over the entire crew especially to Captain Kirk. Randy was a scientist/nerd/professor so I thought that's the reason why he is head over heels over this movie. But right now I'm beginning to understand the reason why Star Trek is one of the best film ever. And this remake definitely increased the number of Star Trek fans out there especially from my generation. XD
It's the first showing date here in the country and good thing it was my day-off so I went out again doing some "malling". Well, I've already defined what malling means for me. Anyway, I actually watched the movie with high expectations because before I decided to watched it I read some reviews and 96% of those reviews had praised the movie. And yes, to simply put it, the movie had exceeded my expectation. And I watched it twice today! Very Cool!!!!
And who would have thought I would cry over some sci-fi film? And since I watched it twice, I also cried twice. Very crazy. lol. Well, that's the benefit of watching the movie alone, no one will taunt/care if you'd find it hard to contain those waterfalls.T_T
A short review regarding the film? It's interesting to note that although this is a sci-fi film, it's amazing how the director had mixed drama and humor at the same time. I love the crew and the actors that portrayed them. Chris Pine a.k.a James Tiberius Kirk is really funny and sarcastic at the same time. lol. Oh just watch it. I'm running out of adjectives here. I totally highly recommend it for you to watch.
As for who is my favorite character? Hmmm...I like Kirk's bravado but then I like geeky/weird guys these days right? So I'd go for Spock. And guess what? I made a little research about him and I was totally surprise to know that he is the one portraying Sylar in the Heroes TV Series. That made me love him more. hehe.

Hmmm....An addition to my already long list of "boyfriends". lol.
But seriously, you should watch this film. Worth every cent that you have.^_^
Rating: ★★★★★

and today we'll take closer look to world of:
I've never seen any Star Trek movies before or even the television series version. I guess that would pretty much give you an idea how young I am. lol. Or maybe because I'm just not really in to these kinds of movies. My curiosity over Star Trek itself started when I read the book The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch and he mentioned his fascination over the entire crew especially to Captain Kirk. Randy was a scientist/nerd/professor so I thought that's the reason why he is head over heels over this movie. But right now I'm beginning to understand the reason why Star Trek is one of the best film ever. And this remake definitely increased the number of Star Trek fans out there especially from my generation. XD
It's the first showing date here in the country and good thing it was my day-off so I went out again doing some "malling". Well, I've already defined what malling means for me. Anyway, I actually watched the movie with high expectations because before I decided to watched it I read some reviews and 96% of those reviews had praised the movie. And yes, to simply put it, the movie had exceeded my expectation. And I watched it twice today! Very Cool!!!!
And who would have thought I would cry over some sci-fi film? And since I watched it twice, I also cried twice. Very crazy. lol. Well, that's the benefit of watching the movie alone, no one will taunt/care if you'd find it hard to contain those waterfalls.T_T
A short review regarding the film? It's interesting to note that although this is a sci-fi film, it's amazing how the director had mixed drama and humor at the same time. I love the crew and the actors that portrayed them. Chris Pine a.k.a James Tiberius Kirk is really funny and sarcastic at the same time. lol. Oh just watch it. I'm running out of adjectives here. I totally highly recommend it for you to watch.
As for who is my favorite character? Hmmm...I like Kirk's bravado but then I like geeky/weird guys these days right? So I'd go for Spock. And guess what? I made a little research about him and I was totally surprise to know that he is the one portraying Sylar in the Heroes TV Series. That made me love him more. hehe.

Hmmm....An addition to my already long list of "boyfriends". lol.
But seriously, you should watch this film. Worth every cent that you have.^_^
Rating: ★★★★★
Posted in
American Idol,
kris allen
6:39 PM
kristine cuer
I'm happy because Kris Allen was the first one to be part of the American Idol Season 8 Top 3 however, I'm also disappointed that Gokey also made it. Allison is definitely better than him. Anyway, for now, at least, Kristine and Kris could smile again. ^_^

Crazy but, I got teary eyed when Ryan put him to the safe spot first. I wish I'm living in Arkansas. XD
But I'm even admiring him more because he still got time for his wife even though he's having a crazy schedule.
Crazy but, I got teary eyed when Ryan put him to the safe spot first. I wish I'm living in Arkansas. XD
But I'm even admiring him more because he still got time for his wife even though he's having a crazy schedule.
Posted in
American Idol,
Danny Gokey,
kris allen
11:07 PM
kristine cuer
I know my favorite American Idol (Kris Allen) is in trouble. But it's just so unfair! I mean, if we are just to base it tonight, Kris' performance was not the worse performance. Although I have to admit Kris performance tonight was just a-ok but it is not as horrible as Danny Gokey's performance!!! I mean, I have to agree with Simon when he said it was like watching a horror movie. What kind of a "scream" was that?!?! Seriously, that only means Danny doesn't have the vocals like what most people think he has.
Sorry. I'm just seriously worried about my Kris, I mean about my bet. I've already accepted that he is married and right now I'm just all in to his musicianship. I'm very much impressed when I learned that he could play almost all musical instruments and he usually does the arrangements for his performances. That's what an artist is all about. But then again, they'd always reason it out that American Idol is a singing contest and the winner should really "sing". And sadly, they sometimes equate singing to "screaming" and some "hoarse---choppy---vocals". And sadly, Kris doesn't have that. And the judges are like rooting for a Lambert-Gokey finals so they are like shoving him off of the competition. Urgggghhhhh! I wish I could save him.
And another thing, what's with all this A for Effort thing? Jeeezzzzz.... Anoop had also given a lot of effort. Matt had exerted too much effort as well. And if winning this contest is just all for the effort, all 13 of them should win the title! And to think that the judges considered Kris as trying too hard! And that awful, atrocious, pitchy, last scream of Danny is Daring?!?!WTF.

Sorry. I'm just seriously worried about my Kris, I mean about my bet. I've already accepted that he is married and right now I'm just all in to his musicianship. I'm very much impressed when I learned that he could play almost all musical instruments and he usually does the arrangements for his performances. That's what an artist is all about. But then again, they'd always reason it out that American Idol is a singing contest and the winner should really "sing". And sadly, they sometimes equate singing to "screaming" and some "hoarse---choppy---vocals". And sadly, Kris doesn't have that. And the judges are like rooting for a Lambert-Gokey finals so they are like shoving him off of the competition. Urgggghhhhh! I wish I could save him.
And another thing, what's with all this A for Effort thing? Jeeezzzzz.... Anoop had also given a lot of effort. Matt had exerted too much effort as well. And if winning this contest is just all for the effort, all 13 of them should win the title! And to think that the judges considered Kris as trying too hard! And that awful, atrocious, pitchy, last scream of Danny is Daring?!?!

Straight out: Danny Gokey should go home.
Posted in
coffee shop,
Landon Pigg
6:13 PM
kristine cuer
The smell of new books and an aroma of coffee: that's one of the best ever combination.
It's never been a secret that I'm a sucker for books and coffee. For me, one of the blissful moments I ever have is for me to read a good book while having a cup of coffee. And one of my greatest dream is for one day for me to have my own library and my own coffee maker.
For now, I've only been a regular bystander (lol) in a bookstore and a coffee shop here in Cebu. I've been to a lot of bookstores already but Fullybooked Bookstore is my most favorite if we'd actually talk about the setting and ambiance. And I've been a regular customer in Seattle's Best Coffee as well. If I find life boring here, books and coffee are the only things that would usually keep me company. Hopefully, that is not a sign of spinsterhood.XD
It's never been a secret that I'm a sucker for books and coffee. For me, one of the blissful moments I ever have is for me to read a good book while having a cup of coffee. And one of my greatest dream is for one day for me to have my own library and my own coffee maker.
For now, I've only been a regular bystander (lol) in a bookstore and a coffee shop here in Cebu. I've been to a lot of bookstores already but Fullybooked Bookstore is my most favorite if we'd actually talk about the setting and ambiance. And I've been a regular customer in Seattle's Best Coffee as well. If I find life boring here, books and coffee are the only things that would usually keep me company. Hopefully, that is not a sign of spinsterhood.XD
Posted in
alice sebold,
lovely bones
5:52 AM
kristine cuer
Have you ever thought of story telling your death? Well of course, that notion doesn't make sense at all. After all, if you are already a cold corpse buried 6 feet under the ground, then you can never ever tell the tale. Death is possibly one of those highlights, actually the final highlight of our lives. But it's the only thing that can never be part of those "so I live to tell the tale"-part because of course we are technically no longer living.
I'm not trying to be gruesome here. Recently, I've just read, seen, heard and been exposed to some things relating to it. And as I come to think of it, it's one of those topics I've never really given much thought or I've never mentioned it in all those blogs that I had. Not even in my hand written journals. Maybe it's a taboo to mention it and to be honest about it, I've been fortunate enough not to get to deal with it first hand.
But yes, what really happens after we die? I have to agree with a friend when he said that it's really nice to think about life after death and not just mere nothingness. I've recently read the book The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold and it's actually pretty interesting to note that her narrator is a 14-year old girl who actually narrated how she died and how her death affected, changed, shook and restored the foundation of her family. It's true isn't it? That to simply put it, a death of someone close to us will definitely make and break us. And that this kind of loss is the hardest thing to deal with. It's true that with out these people our lives will never be the same again. Their loss could actually make us stray away from happiness. The mere memory of them could hurt us. We try to question God. And that we would definitely do anything if it's only possible to see their face again, to be with them again.
It's also interesting to note that each person has its own way of dealing with grief. Dealing with it comes with acceptance. Time still is the best healer of all times. And time will eventually come when their memory will put a smile in our face. And as the song of Mariah Carey goes, "We will never say bye".
After all, who said we should forget them?
I'm not trying to be gruesome here. Recently, I've just read, seen, heard and been exposed to some things relating to it. And as I come to think of it, it's one of those topics I've never really given much thought or I've never mentioned it in all those blogs that I had. Not even in my hand written journals. Maybe it's a taboo to mention it and to be honest about it, I've been fortunate enough not to get to deal with it first hand.
But yes, what really happens after we die? I have to agree with a friend when he said that it's really nice to think about life after death and not just mere nothingness. I've recently read the book The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold and it's actually pretty interesting to note that her narrator is a 14-year old girl who actually narrated how she died and how her death affected, changed, shook and restored the foundation of her family. It's true isn't it? That to simply put it, a death of someone close to us will definitely make and break us. And that this kind of loss is the hardest thing to deal with. It's true that with out these people our lives will never be the same again. Their loss could actually make us stray away from happiness. The mere memory of them could hurt us. We try to question God. And that we would definitely do anything if it's only possible to see their face again, to be with them again.
It's also interesting to note that each person has its own way of dealing with grief. Dealing with it comes with acceptance. Time still is the best healer of all times. And time will eventually come when their memory will put a smile in our face. And as the song of Mariah Carey goes, "We will never say bye".
After all, who said we should forget them?
Posted in
8:03 PM
kristine cuer
I hope you will find a love that will never take you for granted. A love that will always be there for you. Someone who would sneak out at night just to be with you. Defend you with all his heart and love you like your the last girl he'll ever have.
It's possibly one of those best wishes I had ever received. It's a good friend who had sent that message to me. And after reading that I said to my self - - - I'm hoping that too. I guess I've written/ranted/said it over again how I'm very much waiting, searching hoping for some true love. Cause it's actually good to know that someone loves you, and it actually feels good to love someone. I've been in those stages. But for once, I want to be love and be love at the same time. They said that is one of the greatest feeling ever. One of the best situation, any human can ever experience. And I too would want to feel and experience that.
I'm almost 22 years old. Been in love once, been hurt a couple of times and currently would want to try it again. I've always thought that there are two types of people when it comes to love: those who tend to love over and over again and those who can only seem to do it once. And I've always believe I'm one of those people who can only seem to do it once. But the truth is, we are all the same. All of us can love over and over again.
My brother, my best friend, my girl - friends, and some good friends would actually call me as the Love Doctor. I would often times laugh about it. Although I do feel privileged whenever they'd call me and ask for some advices. And I feel good as well whenever they'd find my advice helpful. But the truth is, I don't think I've ever really figured out what love really is. Maybe all of us would agree it's both happiness and pain. Yes it's my favorite word, an "Oxymoron".=) But more than that, love is still one those most defined words in our vocabulary. Something we thought we had already figured out but the truth is, we will never will. But then again, we are never required to. And yes we don't have to.
As for that wish, I do hope it will come true. I know it will. It will either find me or I'll find it. Either way, I'll surely have it.
Hope you'll have it too.
It's possibly one of those best wishes I had ever received. It's a good friend who had sent that message to me. And after reading that I said to my self - - - I'm hoping that too. I guess I've written/ranted/said it over again how I'm very much waiting, searching hoping for some true love. Cause it's actually good to know that someone loves you, and it actually feels good to love someone. I've been in those stages. But for once, I want to be love and be love at the same time. They said that is one of the greatest feeling ever. One of the best situation, any human can ever experience. And I too would want to feel and experience that.
I'm almost 22 years old. Been in love once, been hurt a couple of times and currently would want to try it again. I've always thought that there are two types of people when it comes to love: those who tend to love over and over again and those who can only seem to do it once. And I've always believe I'm one of those people who can only seem to do it once. But the truth is, we are all the same. All of us can love over and over again.
My brother, my best friend, my girl - friends, and some good friends would actually call me as the Love Doctor. I would often times laugh about it. Although I do feel privileged whenever they'd call me and ask for some advices. And I feel good as well whenever they'd find my advice helpful. But the truth is, I don't think I've ever really figured out what love really is. Maybe all of us would agree it's both happiness and pain. Yes it's my favorite word, an "Oxymoron".=) But more than that, love is still one those most defined words in our vocabulary. Something we thought we had already figured out but the truth is, we will never will. But then again, we are never required to. And yes we don't have to.
As for that wish, I do hope it will come true. I know it will. It will either find me or I'll find it. Either way, I'll surely have it.
Hope you'll have it too.
Posted in
daniel henney,
5:12 PM
kristine cuer
I could be anything else except being shopaholic. That's one of those other things that is not so feminine of me. Of course when I was still in school, the reason would be, I don't have the money to pay for my suppose to be shopping bills. But right now that I'm already earning a living and I somehow already got the money to pretty much buy my self new dresses or new shoes, I still haven't sign up for those shopping cards.
I actually don't consider my self thrifty nor stingy. I do spend a lot so I could be considered as a spend-thrift. But I don't normally walk in to boutiques or shoe stores. If I would actually say I'd go "malling", there are only 3 places you'd most likely find me: bookshop, coffee-shop, or a movie-house.
I really don't care about fashion. Call me an outfit repeater and I won't care. Anyway, that's true and I find nothing wrong with it. Possibly, the reason why a colleague would usually push me and say: "buy something for yourself" is because she seldom sees me with a new outfit on or new gadgets to show off. But, technically speaking, I'm always buying something for my self. For one thing, everyday I do shell out quite an amount of money for food alone. And if you won't consider that shopping because shopping is defined as going store to store in search of merchandise or bargains then I do go shopping but not for clothes. Like today, I went from bookstore to bookstore. Yep. I went shopping for books. I already have a long list of books to read and I decided that I have to start cutting the list short. And I got 3 off the check list today.
Speaking of being a spendthrift, I also treated my self over some movie. I've been waiting to watch X-Men Origins: Wolverine and finally the wait is over. Is the wait worth it? Definitely. Aside from the superb effects, I actually swooned over Daniel Henney a.k.a Agent Zero in the film. ^_^ I liked him when he was doing some korean drama series and it's so cool to see him in this big Hollywood movie. And his accent, acting, stunts are all magnifico!^_^ I'm drooling over him. XD

Rating: ★★★☆☆
I actually don't consider my self thrifty nor stingy. I do spend a lot so I could be considered as a spend-thrift. But I don't normally walk in to boutiques or shoe stores. If I would actually say I'd go "malling", there are only 3 places you'd most likely find me: bookshop, coffee-shop, or a movie-house.
I really don't care about fashion. Call me an outfit repeater and I won't care. Anyway, that's true and I find nothing wrong with it. Possibly, the reason why a colleague would usually push me and say: "buy something for yourself" is because she seldom sees me with a new outfit on or new gadgets to show off. But, technically speaking, I'm always buying something for my self. For one thing, everyday I do shell out quite an amount of money for food alone. And if you won't consider that shopping because shopping is defined as going store to store in search of merchandise or bargains then I do go shopping but not for clothes. Like today, I went from bookstore to bookstore. Yep. I went shopping for books. I already have a long list of books to read and I decided that I have to start cutting the list short. And I got 3 off the check list today.
Speaking of being a spendthrift, I also treated my self over some movie. I've been waiting to watch X-Men Origins: Wolverine and finally the wait is over. Is the wait worth it? Definitely. Aside from the superb effects, I actually swooned over Daniel Henney a.k.a Agent Zero in the film. ^_^ I liked him when he was doing some korean drama series and it's so cool to see him in this big Hollywood movie. And his accent, acting, stunts are all magnifico!^_^ I'm drooling over him. XD

Rating: ★★★☆☆
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