One Mississippi. I've said it before that I am a Sandra Bullock fan and that's enough reason for me to watch this film. Not to mention that she won a best actress award from Oscars for the first time because of this film. And yes, I am not saying this cause I am a fan, but anybody who had seen this film will agree that she totally deserves that recognition.
Two Mississippi. To be honest about it I am not a football fan. To put it straight, I know nothing about the said sport. I don't know even just one name among any Superstar Football players. All I know is that this is a game like a traffic accident (like what Sandra put it in her film). Men just collide in each other and all that they do is to go after that person who is holding that oblong shaped ball. That's another thing. I've always thought of balls as round, but football ball is different from the rest of the balls from any ball games I know. Pretty weird. A game set can end in a matter of seconds. But in a way after watching this film, I now have a name to remember: Michael Oher.
Three Mississippi. We often times think of discrimination of white people's superiority. But the truth is, we were the one who had created this caste system. In this film, it's really wrong to generalize them all. Cause the truth is, like us, they themselves do struggle for equality.
Four Mississippi. I've seen a lot of movies depicting how a certain football team manage to win the season's game. On top of my head I can remember Friday Night Lights, The Replacements, Remembering the Titans and even the Game Plan and always, always the film is set to inspire. The only difference this time though is that more than the team, the movie focused more on how a woman changed a young boy's life and in the processed changed hers as well. And this film will make you realize that though the Quarterback is the star player of the team, he's nothing with-out his blind side---his left tackle.
Five Mississippi. What's up with all the Mississippi? I think I'd visit that city one time. haha. No. It's just that according to the film, it will take 5 seconds for a quarterback or a left-tackle to do something and before a set can be decide as to who will score. That shows us how important time is.
Two Mississippi. To be honest about it I am not a football fan. To put it straight, I know nothing about the said sport. I don't know even just one name among any Superstar Football players. All I know is that this is a game like a traffic accident (like what Sandra put it in her film). Men just collide in each other and all that they do is to go after that person who is holding that oblong shaped ball. That's another thing. I've always thought of balls as round, but football ball is different from the rest of the balls from any ball games I know. Pretty weird. A game set can end in a matter of seconds. But in a way after watching this film, I now have a name to remember: Michael Oher.
Three Mississippi. We often times think of discrimination of white people's superiority. But the truth is, we were the one who had created this caste system. In this film, it's really wrong to generalize them all. Cause the truth is, like us, they themselves do struggle for equality.
Four Mississippi. I've seen a lot of movies depicting how a certain football team manage to win the season's game. On top of my head I can remember Friday Night Lights, The Replacements, Remembering the Titans and even the Game Plan and always, always the film is set to inspire. The only difference this time though is that more than the team, the movie focused more on how a woman changed a young boy's life and in the processed changed hers as well. And this film will make you realize that though the Quarterback is the star player of the team, he's nothing with-out his blind side---his left tackle.
Five Mississippi. What's up with all the Mississippi? I think I'd visit that city one time. haha. No. It's just that according to the film, it will take 5 seconds for a quarterback or a left-tackle to do something and before a set can be decide as to who will score. That shows us how important time is.
'Nuff said. All I am saying is that this film absolutely deserves a Five star rating.
Rating: ★★★★★
was planning on seeing this too! :) love Sandra.
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