My back is aching from sitting all day. I lack sleep or make that I haven't really slept at all. This suppose to be 7-8 hour trip was extended to 11 hours. The heat was excruciating. I longed for bed. For my weary eyes to close. But I wasted 3 hours of my life before I finally saw the fairy-boat. I overheard a guy saying that there was an engine trouble. Of all days of the week, of all occasions, it happened today.
Just my luck.
Note to self: Buy a plane ticket as early as possible if you're planning to go home. It can save you time, energy and sanity.
Back in the office, whenever someone will ask me why I'm going home this weekend, my usual response was, I'm going home for election. Of course there's truth in it. This right to suffrage only comes once every three years and of course I want to exercise it. But more than that reason, I know I badly needed rest. Like a total withdrawal from work. I have to take time to find some way to relax and to at least cool my head down and find genuine happiness. Don't get me wrong. Of course I am happy at work. It's just that I've been so into it that I sometimes dream of it or wake up and it's the very first thought the enters my mind. I think that's a manifestation that I do love my work. LOL. I mean, just like when you love this person, he's the last thought before you go to sleep and your first when you woke up. LOL. But in reality of course, that could only mean one thing: STRESS.
And so I thought I badly need to find some way to put a smile on that face.
And election time is such a great escape to go home.
And so I'll try not to think of the pending cases, of the 2 beefy books that I have to study, of the upcoming quiz this Saturday. I'll try not to think of my crush. lol
But yeah, it's just so good to be back.^_^
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