Now that the final performance is over (and though I must admit that tonight's performance of Lee is not his best), I am still rooting for him. After all, after watching AI for 9 seasons now, we all know pretty well that the final 2 performance is not much of a guarantee for the AI title. Take for instance what happened during David Cook and Kris Allen's season. And I am hoping Lee's fate would be the same.
I wouldn't mind another guitar-playing-white-guy to win for the 3rd time. And I would say that Lee's performance of Hallelujah during the top 3 performance is much like Kris Allen's Heartless which had sealed his seat for the top 2 and eventually for the title. If it's not too much to ask, history will repeat itself tomorrow. ^_^
And I am excited because I'd be watching it on the big screen. Yes, you read it right ON THE BIG SCREEN. haha. Thanks to Greenwich Pizza for the upcoming oppurtunity. XD
So if you are still in doubt if Lee does deserve to be given the title, watch this Video. It's one of my favorite Idol moment ever.
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