I was out for some shopping to day. It's my rest day and since I am pretty much bored gawking at my Cisco review material I decided to go out and grab something to eat that instead turned out to be a little shopping experience. Let myself indulge for some personal vanities. I bought myself some short board short (lol, hope that's not redundant). You see, we'd be having our company outing this coming Sunday and Monday so I'm trying to get ready for it. I also bought myself a pair of two piece swim wear.
LOL. Haha. kidding. =P But who knows, still got time to decide whether I'd go swimming or not.XD haha. Such a girly stuff.
Talking about girly stuffs, an office mate asked me straight out if I finally have a boyfriend. The answer is a big NO of course. She said she thought I already have one cause I was wearing this tight-fitting black jeans, blouse and a pair of sandals. Just let me say this once, ehem: she said I'm pretty and sexy. LOL. OK. I'll leave it at that. I'll set aside my bravado from here on.
But come to think about it, I think it's just a natural reaction of other people to see me in a different kind of outfit. Take for instance the other night. I decided to go for work wearing this little black dress and I did not intend to create a little commotion but I guess I did. Common questions/reactions includes: What's wrong with you? What have you eaten? Did you came from a date? Do you have a date right after work?
Haha. Crazy questions. I'd just laugh out loud and tell them that I am still in a non-sober state so that's why I thought of this crazy idea. And you don't actually need to have a boyfriend to actually look good. And I'd jokingly add that I'm already 22 (almost 23 now) and definitely needs some change.
But yes, it definitely feels good to look good and feel good inside-out. I still don't think I am now fashionable. Blue jeans, tees and rubber shoes are still the best for me and they will forever be my fashion sense.
I just find it amusing to surprise people and prove them wrong that I could actually wear this dress or walk naturally with heels. It's really really amusing.
And I think somebody from the office has a crush on me. LOL. OK OK. I'll leave it at that again.
But I'm feeling real good today. It really helps to have a long good night sleep. Not to mention my dream. But that would be a different story. Yeah maybe a different blog entry.^_^
am actually considering buying an LBD (little black dress) for acdg to penden every girl should have one. well, nauna ka lang. hehe! seems like great minds think alike.
as for me, am planning to take care of my health bilang hagalon ko lately, i might go swimming every weekend, which reminds me to buy a new piece, which nauna ka man.
guess my point is it's high time!
haha. yep, it's high time indeed. we're not getting any younger anymore. and I am talking about it literally. XD
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