It came from two root words: Poly and Ticks. Poly meaning many and Ticks meaning blood sucking insects. Ticks are considered as parasites. They live longer at the expense of their hosts. Who ever thought of coining the word politics might have thought of the same way. After all, we can more or less compare most of our politicians to this kind of pest.
In totality: Politics for me then means: That's a lot of parasites.
It's the first ever automated election that our country ever had. It's pretty amazing. Although, if there's something I can complain, I fall in line longer than I did 3 years ago. But the agony of waiting for the election results is definitely shorter than the last elections this country had. It took only more or less 24 hours for us to know who will most likely lead this country for the next 3 or 6 years. It only took 24 hours to know that though the mode of election of this country had changed, the mentality of its people still remain stagnant.
The election results is disappointing. And yes that's because of course most of the people I've voted did not make it. You can say I am a bitter but it's really frustrating to see the names of those people who obviously simply won because of popularity and not because they are competent enough to do the job.
And you know what's really frustrating me? Is seeing the name of that person we all had condemned because of corruption going head to head for the race for Presidency. Are we Pinoy really this forgiving? Voting for somebody (again) who had been convicted of Plunder? It's really true then, we are the most forgiving people. Or maybe I'm wrong. We can change that then to the most forgetful people. Or maybe we are just simply say we are just plain stupid.
At tingnan mo yung senado, may plano atang gumawa ng Action movie: Bong Revilla, Jinngoy Estrada and Lito Lapid?!?!?! WTF!!!!!! we can add Tito Sotto on the list as well pwede na silang gumawa ng isang corny na pinoy movie.
Oh well, that's the thing about democracy, we have to go with the majority. We just got to respect what most people think is good for this country. Or maybe we can just give these new leaders some benefit of the doubt. Let's give them a chance to prove their worth. And I genuinely wish I am wrong with being prejudice over them.
But I don't know... I just can't help but wonder when will this country finally grow up.
When will we ever learn?
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