I've had 6 bottles of GPS in take in just a week time. Although it's not really an everyday habit like I'd have a bottle today, then skip it tomorrow, then have 4 bottles the next day, skip it again and another one the next next day. I don't know how many bottles of liquor one should drink before you'd tag him/her as a drunkard. But I think I am becoming one.
But seriously thinking about it, what's really happening to me? I mean, definitely, this is not me. But yeah, maybe that's the new me: The Drunkard in the making.
Haha. Yeah. Sorry, I'm trying to be serious here but anyway, I think there's nothing remotely wrong with drinking as long as it's moderate and you won't skip work, or that you won't spend your entire budget to that perk. And most especially, as long as you are with the people you trust. In my case back here in Cebu, there are only 2 instances that I'd dare myself to grab a bottle of liquor. One, if I'm with Mark---my brother's best friend/my classmate/my-
tagalog-movie-watching-buddy. And Two, if I'm with Sue---my supervisor/ fellow single, smart, sexy and successful lady (
XDAs I come to think about it, I can honestly say that my non-blogging days is not just because I'm busy at work (I still am) but because I've found some way to somehow spend my free time with other people. Although I still do occasionally watch movies alone, dine out alone or go malling alone. I think some quality time alone is something we all need and personally hard for me to give up.
In vino veritas. In wine there's the truth.
Somehow that's my logic
every time I chug down a bottle of GPS although technically of course that's not a wine. That maybe under the influence of alcohol I might as well blurt it all out then blame my non-sober state for saying such things. But yeah, maybe that's just me. That
even though I feel like my world's already spinning and going round and round I still will not entirely talk about it. Guess we just have our own way of being boozed up.
Sometimes I wonder: What would you do if I'm drunk and you're the reason for it?
Cause if there's any confession I would make for such muddled state that would be a broken promise to myself that I will never drink because of a guy.
Guess I just did.