Midnight Sun

Her glance met mine, and I saw myself reflected in the wide mirror of her eyes. The shock of the face I saw there saved her life for a few thorny moments.
-Edward Cullen, Midnight Sun, Chapter 1, p.13

Don't worry, I am not that lucky enough to be the first person who was able to completely read the whole story of the Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer. Although I would really love to read it too and get a copy of it. Like many twilighters, I too would want to get a piece of Edward Cullen. And knowing what's on his mind is definitely a must read as well. But the line above is very much applicable about what happened to me last night. Beware of a scary story. XD

I was unable to sleep the whole night last night. My account manager made a sudden change in my schedule that would require me to sleep the whole night. Unfortunately, I slept the whole day so I was having trouble sleeping. I tried to read, listened to mellow music, forced my eyes to close and get sleepy but none of it worked. So instead, I did everything to keep my sleeplessness active. I ate chips, read magazines, went down and watched TV for a bit, get back to my room and did some picture taking. Since I've just recently cut my hair and had it straight, I've been pretty much been a narcissist over it. When I checked on my pictures, I saw something that actually scared me!!! and to think that it was almost midnight that time. It's like a Sadako of The Ring reincarnation. The only bad thing is, it was me. LOL. Crazy.XD

Her glance met mine

and I saw myself reflected in the wide mirror of eyes.

The realization that I am looking at my own image

saved my life for a few thorny moments...

Hahaha. XD

Promise! I did not put on any white powder or some eye liner to make it look like that. It came naturally. Maybe I should send my resume with one of those pics for a scary movie. That would be beneficial for movie producers. Lesser expenses since I no longer need prosthetic. LOL.

Well, in a way I could be considered as a vampire. After all, with this kind of job that I am in, I usually go out at night and sleep during day time.

I am the modern vampire.^_^


rain_mund said...
July 30, 2009 at 10:53 AM

very deep eye bags ba. hahah. no wonder you do look like something out of a horror movie. hahah. but love the look, sooo...s----. guess mu nlng ang kung anu. hahah. ingatz best

kristine cuer said...
July 30, 2009 at 8:21 PM

hmmm...sCARY? sHINY? sLEEK? sWEET? haha. those are the only 5 letter words that makes sense to me. I think you mean the first one. yes, that's in preparation for upcoming The Grudge part 3 movie. LOL.

oliver said...
August 24, 2009 at 12:59 AM

hahaha.... i like the look marg!!! pang grudge material...

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